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Thank you for joining us today for our day 3 coverage of the 24th Debian Developers Conference. Tomorrow July 31 Is a recreation day for all attendees to sightsee and enjoy our host city and nation. We will resume coverage of the conference on August 1. Thank you, happy Debian-ing! #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

At 5:00 (KST) (08:00 UTC) Please join us for 'Bits from the DPL' talk in the Bada Venue…. #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

At 3:30 (KST) (06:30 UTC) ' what is, how to benefit from it and how to help' in the Bada Venue, 'Apt Transparency' in the Somin, and 'Debian Policy & Developers Reference Bof' in Pado. #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

At 2:30 (KST) (05:30 UTC) in the Bada Venue, 'Attracting and retaining new contributors: insights from Brazil', 'Chameleon - the easy way to try out Sequoia - OpenPGP written in Rust' in the Somin Venue, and 'Meet the ftpteam' in the Pado Venue. There will be a non-streamed, 'Linux kernel development workshop' held in the CEO venue. Also stay tuned for an 'Apt Transparency' talk in the Somin Venue at 15:00 (KST) #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

Great news for those who could not attend the DebConf or have missed the conference because of time zone differences, there are so far 18 videos published for viewing at your leisure:… #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

We pause for lunch and will resume Day 3 of the 24th Debian Developers Conference at 2:30 PM (KST) #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

At 11:00 (KST) (02:00 UTC) 'Meet the Technical Committee' in the Buda Venue, 'Sequoia PGP, sq, gpg-from-sq, v6 OpenPGP, and Debian' in the Somin Venue, and the 'Ruby team BoF' in the Pado Venue. A non-streamed talk, 'Steps towards a modern CMS for our web pages' will be held in the Hyorim Venue. #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

At 10:00 AM (KST) (01:00 UTC) in the Bada Venue: 'The new APT solver', in the Somin Venue, 'Debian: Resistance is Futile' in the Somin Venue, and 'Debian Teams exchange' in the Pado Venue. Be sure to stay around in Somin at 10:30AM (KST) (01:30 UTC) for the 'Expression of thanks and brief introduction the status of loong64 port' talk. #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

Welcome back to our 3rd day of the 24th Debian Developers Conference held in Busan, Korea. Please check the the conference schedule:… for events and talks you would like to view. We will update before each talk and make announcements from this channel. Happy Debian to you! #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

Important Apple-focused accessibility site to shut down (Link)…

Sources: HPE is expected to secure unconditional EU approval for its $14B acquisition of Juniper Networks; the EC is scheduled to decide on the deal by Aug. 1 (Foo Yun Chee/Reuters)……

A US court rules that US border agents must get a warrant before searching the electronic devices of Americans and international travelers crossing the border (Zack Whittaker/TechCrunch)……

The second day of DebConf24 has ended, we start again tomorrow, Tuesday 30, August at 10:00 KST (01:00 UTC). The schedule for the day will be… Thank you to all our contributors, viewers, and to our Debconf Video team! See you tomorrow!… #debian

I send voice notes of my farts to my girlfriend via whatsapp. She rates them out of 5. Its a great laugh and I've built quite the catalogue. Only problem is, I think she now subliminally associates my profile photo with farts, as every day she sees my face making fart noises.

“Intone the computations? Why?”

“I've wondered that myself. Never had the nerve to ask them.”

— Adric and the Doctor, in “Logopolis”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Pissed in the garden one night, didn't want to wake up my wife & daughter. Next day she came home from school with a picture she drew of "daddy going wee in garden last night". Turns out she was awake & gazing out the window. Had to explain I was watering the plants with a hose.

After the dinner, at 6:00 PM (KST) (09:00 UTC) don't forget to attend the performance Poetry Attack 01 and to participate at the traditional Cheese and Wine party in CEO… #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

New Certified Open Source Hardware!
Metabraille from @oskar_mbr has the UID AT000009.

Metabraille is:
Metabraille is a mobile hardware keyboard that enables the input of Braille. Metabraille can be used like a smartphone without a fixed base while standing or walking.

Find it in the directory!…

Last slot before the Dinner, at 4:30 PM (KST) (07:30 UTC): Gnuk 2.2 and Gnuk Next, in Bada, l10n and i18n Bof in Pado and Go team BoF (not streamed)… . #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

Welcome back to DebConf24, talks start at 2:30 PM (KST) (05:30 UTC) with 'Leveraging Deterministic Updates to Improve the Customer Experience on Debian' in Venue Bada, 'Beyond Yocto: Exploring Debian for Embedded Linux Development' in Venue Somin, 'Python BoF' in Venue Pado. 2 non-streamed sessions are also planned, 'Translating in Debian' in Venue CEO, and 'FAIme web service DIY workshop' in Venue Hyorim. #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

Join us at 11:00 M (KST) (02:00 UTC) for Reproducible Builds: The First Eleven Years in Venue 4: Bada, perf in Action: Real-World Applications in Venue 5: Somin, Local Groups BoF in Venue 6: Pado. Stick around at 11:30 AM (KST) (02:30 UTC) for Debian on Chromebooks: What's New and What's Next? also held in Venue 5: Somin.#debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

The first talks for today begin streaming at 10:00 AM KST (01:00 UTC). What happens if I delete a live demo of upgrading to PEP-518 Python packaging in Venue 5: Somin, Debian Brasil BoF in Venue 6: Pado. There are 2 non-streamed sessions planned: Introduction to LibreOffice Korean Translations (Wiki & UI Translations) in Venu7: CEO, and DebConf bursary team BoF in Venue 8: Hyorim. #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

How podcasting is turning into an industry of megastars with huge deals and the biggest audiences; Edison: the top 25 podcasts reach ~50% of US weekly listeners (Anne Steele/Wall Street Journal)……

Welcome back to the 2nd day of the 24th Debian Developers Conference, held this year in Busan, Korea. Live streaming for most talks is available via your web browser. Our full schedule and links to viewing is updated each day:… #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

My upstairs neighbour was 97 and had been in hospital, local obituary listed her name, age and location so I told our neighbours she'd died. She returned a day later, paper had listed another lady with exact same details who stayed round the corner. Had to do an apology tour


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What do you want? You don't want to take over the universe, do you? No... you wouldn't know what to do with it, beyond shout at it.

— The Doctor, in “The Pirate Planet”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

in reply to Debian

From Europe many talks are in the middle of the night! Will recordings be available?
Thank you and have a good conf!

The 25th Debian Developers Conference starts tomorrow in Busan, South Korea. Now is a great time to have a look at the schedule, regardless of whether you are here or attending from your computer!… #debian #debconf #debconf24… #debian

DebConf24 welcomes its sponsors!… DebConf24, the 25th edition of the Debian conference is taking place at Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea. Thanks to the hard work of its organizers and sponsors! #debian #debconf #debconf24… #debian

DebConf24 welcomes its sponsors!…

DebConf24 starts today in Busan on Sunday, July 28, 2024…
in reply to Debian

it's a shame that the stream audio is badly garbled.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)