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Really happy with how my latest embroidery project turned out. I used a pattern from a magazine (credit to Learned some new techniques, my favourite being sewing with multiple different colour threads on the same needle to blend colours together!

#embroidery #mushrooms #embroideryHoop #toadstools #fibreArt #fiberArt #MastoArt

Unlimited! I worked for a company that had unlimited PTO, I used it without fear. My mental and physical health is important.

#work #pto

#work #pto

The #spotify app for windows surprises me over and over. I remembered it as a big, weird you need to tab around a ton of times ap. But now I must say, it's really comfortable to use!
in reply to Jonathan

Oh really? Don't you need to turn virtual cursor on and off anymore?
in reply to André Polykanine

Well what I do is open the app, arrow down to my library, go out of browse mode, and click through it with the arrows, select the playlist, tab in to the table, and just play the songs. If I need I tab to the mini player, but I remembered it to be way more difficult. Also some useful shortcuts include CTRL+left/right arrow, skip to previous/next song. CTRL+UP/DOWN, volume. CTRL+SPACE, well that one is obvious. Surely there are more I don't know of.
This entry was edited (49 minutes ago)

I have enjoyed Mike Duncan's Revolutions Podcast for years. This fall though he is shipping a fictional piece about a revolution on Mars in the 2200s. Having listened to his historical accounts, I do quite like him using the same tone with a fictional revolution.

History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes as they say.…

Unpopular opinion: if you still use substack then you are just helping fascism. Which mean....

Zajtra mám kontrolu u doktorky a pravdepodobne zruším PNku i keď ja neviem, budem sa musieť zamyslieť nad tým čo dávam do pľúc lebo to bude asi riešenie.