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I'm going to try to get back into programming. I know I'm smart enough. If I can use Emacs, figure out how to download a file using wget and can make packages, (I installed the latest Python on Debian by building it once) then surely I can program. I just have to remember to take my depression meds, 2 of them, 100 Milligrams, helps a lot! And I have to not compare myself to everyone else that's already programmed games, websites, apps, all that. #programming #coding #blind
in reply to Khronos

@khronos Well, I was thinking JavaScript, maybe moving into Typescript, but Python does look easier. Then again, it may turn out like Ruby where it's easy when starting out but then it gets crazy quick.
in reply to Devin Prater :blind:

I wouldn't say that #python is hard, its just different. It takes me a while to generate working code, but when I do it works. If you can handle #emacs config files you can handle #python.
in reply to Khronos

@khronos Well, I suppose I can do some Emacs config, mainly just like changing already existing config, like key bindings and stuff.
in reply to Devin Prater :blind:

Being able to use the #emacspeak software to any real degree takes guts! Its not like a normal screen reader.