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Oh hey, forgot about this open issue lol. ChromeVox on ChromeOS is so dead. I made an issue for a feature to jump to the next/previous spelling error detected in a text edit area, and well, it's as dead as the ChromeVox What's new document. Oh wait they've not been sending out what's new emails to the ChromeVox email list since like version 94 or so.

More seriously though, a ton of schools, and jobs, are switching to ChromeBooks. I'm not saying one cannot be productive on a ChromeBook, because I was able to. But *only* with the help of Chrostini (Linux support) and Android apps. So like, you seriously have to use every single feature to get work done that's more than just Email and Google Docs.…
#ChromeBook #ChromeOS #ChromeVox #accessibility #blind

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Devin Prater :blind:

I'm curious, how did Crostini help you be productive on a Chromebook? Were you able to run Emacspeak or a screen reader within the Linux environment? I'm guessing Crostini still doesn't make Linux GUI applications accessible with ChromeVox.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt In my experience, you have to install a desktop environment like mate and orca for GUI apps to work. Worked pretty well though.