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Since Microsoft announced their latest spyware, sorry, #ReCall, People want to jump ship to #Linux so I'm gonna give the community some solid advice. The biggest hurtle new users will have to deal with is the community because, to be honest, they are extremely obnoxious FOSS Bros that can't stand newbies or Windows users or non technical people in general, but here's your chance! Here's a chance to really guide people, not badger them into picking Linux just because.

Don't tell a new person to Google the term. Give them a video, a book, a tutorial, something to help them along. Think it's hand holding? Tough luck.

Don't ask them to register to a forum and provide feedback. Offer to give feedback on their behalf.

As for any Disabled person in your life? Just don't recommend Linux yet at all. It's still not ready for non technical Disabled people. Just no! No!

I wrote, briefly, about that at this link, but really, I haven't even scratched the surface yet as to issues with Linux adoption for Disabled users. I run Linux on a VM. I Debloated my own windows, so I stick with that. Just listen to the Disabled community without telling them they don't know why Microsoft is shit. Listen, and then code based on their answers.… #Microsoft