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Items tagged with: ReCall


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Elevate Snapchill Coffee recalled over botulism concerns

👉 **You can not smell or taste anything contaminated with botulism so please do not use this if you have any at home.

#NEws #Recall…


Monday: #Microsoft caves following outrage about the new #Recall feature's accusations of being spyware by making it "opt-in" on #Windows12. 🤔

Total Recall... táto téma zreje ako vino. Teda nie - zrie oveľa rýchlejšie.
Zhruba pred mesiacom sa Microsoft bil do pŕs, ako je pre nich bezpečnosť nadovšetko. Pred dvoma týždňami ohlásili obludný spyware, ktorý ale je "super zabezpečený", veď všetko ukladá a spracúva lokálne, navyše "ukladá šifrovane" - viac v mojom ostatnom blogu:…

No a dnes, prichystajte si prekvapený výraz v tvári, ono je to naozaj tak zlé ako sme predpokladali:…

#recall #blog #privacy #fail

Po tom, čo sa mi podarilo konečne zmigrovať blog z Drupalu, hovoril som si, že načim aj niečo napísať... Recall od Microsoftu ma konečne prinútil sa trochu rozhýbať:…

#microsoft #recall #privacy #sukromie #eff

Microsoft's Recall function is looking like a total security disaster.…

#Microsoft #Recall #CyberSecurity

With #Microsoft introducing #Recall which will screenshot your screen to monitor all activities on your device, this begs the question...

What #Linux distro will you be switching to?

Since Microsoft announced their latest spyware, sorry, #ReCall, People want to jump ship to #Linux so I'm gonna give the community some solid advice. The biggest hurtle new users will have to deal with is the community because, to be honest, they are extremely obnoxious FOSS Bros that can't stand newbies or Windows users or non technical people in general, but here's your chance! Here's a chance to really guide people, not badger them into picking Linux just because.

Don't tell a new person to Google the term. Give them a video, a book, a tutorial, something to help them along. Think it's hand holding? Tough luck.

Don't ask them to register to a forum and provide feedback. Offer to give feedback on their behalf.

As for any Disabled person in your life? Just don't recommend Linux yet at all. It's still not ready for non technical Disabled people. Just no! No!

I wrote, briefly, about that at this link, but really, I haven't even scratched the surface yet as to issues with Linux adoption for Disabled users. I run Linux on a VM. I Debloated my own windows, so I stick with that. Just listen to the Disabled community without telling them they don't know why Microsoft is shit. Listen, and then code based on their answers.… #Microsoft

A Word of Advice if you
intend on using/trying Microsoft's newly announced Recall feature :windows: :

Be *extremely* careful with the data of others.

Recording your own data is one thing, but if you continuously use a feature that will record others on video conferences, chat conversations, and emails, without explicit consent, you could get in a lot of trouble.

Not only this can be extremely unethical (to say the least), but it could also expose you to serious legal consequences.


1. Be careful: The use of this feature might not even be legal in some locations/situations/circumstances. If you use it, you should verify this first.

2. Consent should always be free, explicit, and revocable.

3. Once you collect the data of others, you become its guardian. You have a responsibility to secure it properly, for as long as you keep it. This is a heavy burden.

4. The easiest and safest course of action is to simply not collect this data in the first place.

In that sense, I highly recommend NOT using features such as Microsoft's Recall.

This is a data privacy disaster waiting to happen. For others, and for yourself.

#Privacy #Recall #Microsoft :2001:…

The best ways to improve opsec against coercion are to:

  • Limit what can be taken (reduce what’s stored on a device).
  • Fake what you do have: use duress passwords or secondary devices.
  • Last resort: use a hardware key that’s deliberately easy to lose or break, so there’s potentially no key to give up in a rubber-hose attack.

There’s overlap between the three. A duress password temporarily limits what’s stored on a device, and losing a decryption key is more or less the same as instantly wiping encrypted data to reduce what you have to offer. All come down to having less data to give when coerced into giving what you have. Operating systems should also obey this principle by storing as little offline data as possible, and providing duress safeguards for what must be stored.

Windows Recall captures an amount of offline telemetry comparable to parental-control apps often used to control human trafficking victims: the data encompass everything potential victims do on their machines, without any duress protections. Presenting such a feature as opt-out seems like it’s almost designed to hurt victims.

The decision-makers behind features like Recall, or invasive child-monitoring spyware, have likely never experienced this type of abuse. Or perhaps they are the abusive party at home.

Originally posted on See original (POSSE). #Windows #Recall. Quoting a post by @evacide:

"...a would-be hacker would need to gain physical access to your device, unlock it and sign in before they could access saved screenshots."

I've got some news for Microsoft about how domestic abuse works.…