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Announcing Android Reproducible Builds at IzzyOnDroid with rbtlog

IzzyOnDroid is the largest 3rd-party F-Droid-compatible repository of open source Android apps [...] It provides [...] additional security and transparency via multiple custom scans and checks.

rbtlog is a Reproducible Builds transparency log for Android APKs. [...] It allows anyone to easily run a rebuilder for any apps available from a git repository with release tags plus accompanying APKs built and signed by the developer.

We are pleased to announce "Reproducible Builds, special client support and more in our repo": a collaboration between various independent interoperable projects: the IzzyOnDroid team, 3rd-party clients Droid-ify & Neo Store, and rbtlog (part of my collection of tools for Android Reproducible Builds) to bring Reproducible Builds to IzzyOnDroid and the wider Android ecosystem.ā€¦ā€¦

#ReproducibleBuilds #IzzyOnDroid
