Items tagged with: IzzyOnDroid


Items tagged with: IzzyOnDroid

Welcome to the RB family, Inure 🥳

Inure is a powerful open source applications manager and analyzer with a good-looking & easy to use interface.

Joint efforts from 3 parties at work here. Most work was done by the developer (thank you, Hamza!) F-Droid devs joined in, and IzzyOnDroid's new builder tools finally brought in the victory on the developer's side. With the next sync, Inure will be available at IoD and F-Droid as RB :awesome:

#reproducibleBuilds #IzzyOnDroid

#AndroidAppRain at today with 10 updated (7 RB, + 1 failed as a dev forgot to push commits & tagged the wrong one then; will hopefully be fixed tomorrow with a new release) and 2 added apps:

* Assempix: a coded OFDM update to SSTV to receive digital images over SSB, AM and FM radio 🛡️
* Shredpix: the counter-part, a coded OFDM update to SSTV to send images digitally over SSB, AM and FM radio 🛡️

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

Great! Please do not forget to update the link on your website 😉 And to let @fdroidorg know they have to update their recipe 😜 I've just done it at #IzzyOnDroid – and promptly an update was fetched which, according to the tag date, was waiting there for a couple of days already 😉

#AndroidAppRain at today with 12 updated and 1 added apps:

+ PhotoSwooper: a dating app for ur photos (swipe to delete/keep) 🛡️

RB status: 553 apps (43%)

4 #Magisk modules were updated at

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at today with 15 updated (14 RB) & 2 added apps:

* URL Cleaner: remove tracking & other redundant parameters from web links for sharing 🛡️
* Golden Ratio: calculate Golden Ratio easily 🛡️

3 apps were removed:

- VpnHood & Iconify switched to a different packageName a month ago
- Telegram SMS was caught with 24 flags at VT (& its development seemingly stalled)

RB Status: 552 apps (42.9%)

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

#Catima 2.34.5 is out!

This is a maintenance release that targets Android 15 and fixes a crash.

The app will look slightly uglier on some devices, due to Google's changes in how drawing over the system and navigation bar works. Sadly, supporting proper edge-to-edge requires extensive rewrites (help very welcome!), so I opted to at least ensure we target Android 15 before any deadlines.

Coming soon to an app store near you.…

#IzzyOnDroid #Fdroid #GitHub #GooglePlay

#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 11 updated (9 RB) and 6 added (RB) apps:

* Sound Toggle: audio mode QuickSettings toggle 🛡️
* AltLocationServices: network location via BeaconDB (no Google) 🛡️
* Readeck App: manage saved articles and bookmarks 🛡️
* search/track airplane locations 🛡️
* BasicCashFlow: track your cash 🛡️
* Fossify Thank You: Support Fossify apps with a warm thank you 🛡️

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

We just got our first feedback on our RB builder setup scripts (…) today, and that made us really happy, seeing a goal achieved:

> I did set up and ran your scripts in my Ubuntu server (noble) and found the process of setting it up a breeze, and it helped me a lot into finding the source of the issue.

So if you're an Android dev looking into getting your app RB, it might be worth a try!

#IzzyOnDroid #reproducibleBuilds

#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 21 updated (15 RB) and 1 rebranded apps:

* Fossify Calculator had to change its packageName/appId. So if you're using it, you should switch to the new one to receive future updates. 🛡️

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 15 updated and 1 added apps:

+ MediNote: tracking blood pressure measurements offline 🛡️

RB status: 540 apps (42.2% of the currently 1.280 listed apps) covered.

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 20 updated and 1 added apps:

+ Pomodoro: a very simple and tiny pomodoro timer app (less than 100 kB!) 🛡️

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

Operation "Double The Bank" completed successfully. Now running with an up-to-date system, double RAM and double CPU :awesome: Was a wonder it worked so well for so long with such little resources…

Still missing, but also planned: double the disk… 🙈

#IzzyOnDroid #serviceToot

Our web server will have a short downtime for maintenance in a few minutes, hopefully also only FOR a few minutes

#serviceToot #IzzyOnDroid

I already mentioned that we got funding from #Mobifree via @nlnet If you're curious what we're working on there, what we've already achieved, and what's in our pipeline, be welcome to visit the corresponding #IzzyOnDroid Dashboard at… :awesome:

Welcome to the RB family, Minimo Launcher 🥳…

Designed for users who want to de-clutter their home screen, Minimo offers a clean and intuitive minimalist interface that prioritizes functionality without unnecessary distractions.

And thanks to the efforts by its developer, its new release today is RB :awesome:

RB status at IoD now: 530 apps (41.7%)

#IzzyOnDroid #reproducibleBuilds

#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 1 added and 18 updated apps:

* Androoster: a comprehensive root tweak toolbox 🛡️

RB status: 522 apps (41.2%)

3 #Magisk modules were updated at

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

Welcome to the RB family, RadioUpnp 🥳…

RadioUpnp reads any internet radio. Minimalist and full customizable. With support for UPnP/DLNA. And thanks to the efforts by its developer, with its latest release today it is reproducible :awesome:

So the current RB status at the IzzyOnDroid repo is: 508 apps (40.6%)

#reproducibleBuilds #IzzyOnDroid

To the developers having their apps at #IzzyOnDroid – our download #statistics now also have a break-down by client, if you want to see which of the F-Droid clients people use to get/update your app:…

("_unknown" are all other user-agents, including browsers, crawlers and whats-nots)

Find instructions (with some commands on how to extract those data for your app) in the Readme there.

Once more, thanks to @nlnet making this possible with the Mobifree grant! 😍

#AndroidAppRain at today with 1 added, 5 returned and 10 updated apps:

* Karui ToDo: a privacy focussed todo list app to quickly jot down things to do 🛡️

Returned were treehouses remote, AutoDND, URLSanitizer, freeDictionaryApp and Blue Line Console. All of them RB. Altogether 16 apps today, 15 of them RB.

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

🐣 oops… the Easter egg hatched early! We've just reached a goal we hoped to achieve around Easter:

At #IzzyOnDroid 40% – so 2 out of every 5 apps – are now #reproducibleBuilds 🥳

So whenever you see one or more green shields next to the version of an app in our repo browser at you can be sure: this was built exactly from the source code it claims to be, nothing added or taken away.

Oh, and we should roll out those new shields soon™, so you see the independent builders 😉

#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 17 updated (14 RB) and 1 added apps:

* NowiChat: a chat app with bluetooth networking and end-to-end security

RB status: 490 apps (39.7%)

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

PS: if you wonder that @fdroid reports more added apps: those have been here before, we're just restoring some that were removed earlier when they reached (old policy, we no longer do that) 😉

Want to try running your own builder – to confirm apps as #reproducibleBuilds or just to build your own apps? At #IzzyOnDroid we've just made "easy setup scripts" available which should take care for all requirements, while letting you choose which parts you want:…

These scripts are not yet thoroughly tested (just a bit on Linux Mint/Debian/Ubuntu), so we'd welcome volunteers & their feedback.

Thanks to @nlnet for supporting us on this project! You're awesome :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 10 updated and 1 added apps:

* Baba: contribute to @panoramax – the federated FOSS alternative to StreetView 🛡️

RB stats: 479 apps (39.1%)

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

At FOSDEM in Brussels (2025-02-01/02) we've met the #Baba team, which develops an Android app for @panoramax (the "self-hosted Street View" based on @openstreetmap – also see…). We wanted to bring their app to the "libre space", so we discussed how we could make that possible. We found a way to get the app ready for #IzzyOnDroid 🥳 So be prepared for today's AndroidAppRain, to find this app that lets you contribute!

Many thanks to Alexis for making this possible 🥰

#AndroidAppRain at today brought you 11 updated (7 RB) and 1 added apps:

* Delta: Hotspot manager using Shizuku API

2 #Magisk modules have been updated at

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 17 updated (11 RB) and 2 added apps:

* Minimo Launcher: Home screen without distractions
* SocketChat: a simple app to chat with anyone you want on the same network 🛡️

RB status: 474 apps (38.8%)

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 15 updated (10 RB) and 2 added apps:

* LaundryNotes: Store washing information and symbols for all your fabrics 🛡️
* DDNS Updater: Simple Dynamic DNS Updater

Removed apps:

* IrssiNotifier: inactive since 2018, proprietary/tracking libs
* Ficsave: Defunct (Server gone)

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

#AndroidAppRain at today with 12 updated (10 RB) & 2 added apps:

* EasyControlFork: remote control solution from Android to Android 🛡️
* Payload Dumper Android: extract boot.img or any other images without PC

The update to Telegram SMS had to be retracted due to malware warnings.

6 old/abandoned/broken apps have been removed: StopMotion, EP RSS Reader, Play Music Exporter, MyGrades, mensaApp, Timberdoodle.

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo!

Welcome to the RB family, Street­Measure 🥳…

StreetMeasure is an app to measure distances and heights. It was made for usage with StreetComplete and other OpenStreetMap editors. But you can use it for other things, too.

Thanks to the joint efforts with its author (thanks Tobias!), starting with v1.5 this app is now RB :awesome:

RB status at IoD now: 471 apps (38.4%)

#reproducibleBuilds #IzzyOnDroid