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This is the first time in a long, long while that an iOS update was released and there were no accessibility blog posts about it to read from AppleVis. Really feeling the loss of the closure of such a valuable community.
in reply to David Goldfield

I agree 100%. What's even stranger, is the fact that #iOS18 isn't even out yet & a #beta of #iOS18.1 has already been released. I just installed it on my #iPhone. Is that normal?
in reply to David Goldfield

I hear you, I’m so used to visiting the website and seeing what improvements have been made and not having that resource anymore, definitely feels weird
in reply to David Goldfield

Same. I always read those posts before updating. It feels wrong to update without checking AppleVis first. It's just such a huge loss for the community. I totally support the decision and appreciate all the work that has been put into it over the years but I'm still sad about it.
in reply to David Goldfield

I’m so sad that the website is shutting down, I loved reading their monthly round up newsletters of different apps to try out. And I loved reading there ios articles every time a new update came out. That’s how I knew if and when I should update. Now I’m just, lost and floating in the wind somewhere… Lol