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Alright I think I'm finally happy with the Workbench 46 demo for AdwDialog 🛠️

It's such a cool primitive for building adaptive apps. I hope the blob cat will make some people smile 😄

#GNOME #GTK #libadwaita #Linux #development

Dedicated to @alice and @tbernard 🎁

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Sonny

If the blobcat doesn't make people smile, there's something wrong with them.
in reply to Sonny

why are these new dialog animations not this smooth on my laptop? I have an integrated Intel.
in reply to Sonny

Thanks for this Post, i searching for a long time an Applikation like this to finaly learn Gtk/Gnome and never found this my selfe 😅

@alice @tbernard