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Welcome to the RB family, Image Toolbox 🥳

What we thought to be non-RB turned out to be just non-deterministic. Luckily we know how to deal with that in most cases, though we'd prefer Google fixing the underlying issue 😉 (and yes, there is an issue open with them)…

#reproducibleBuilds #IzzyOnDroid

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

I get introduced to a lot of (to me) new apps during your "welcome to RB family" posts. A nice side-effect ^^.

Will try this one - I used Imagepipe up to now.…

Looks like Imagepipe needs less permissions, which jumped into my eyes in Neo Store (… )

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Smojo

@Smojo Always nice to have a list to choose from. And to sometimes find interesting things on it 😉