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Welcome to the RB family, FreeTV and Book's Story 🥳……

These two apps just achieved #reproducibleBuilds now, and will carry the green shield at the #IzzyOnDroid repo, starting with their most recent releases (FreeTV with the next sync around 6 pm UTC, Book's Story already now).

Unknown parent

IzzyOnDroid ✅

@niavy Ever clicked the hash tag? Hm, maybe quite a lot of toots with it… OK, so hopefully this helps to bring some light:…

Unknown parent

IzzyOnDroid ✅
@niavy All fine, thanks! Article is there in English and in German. For other languages, maybe DeepL can be helpful…
Unknown parent

IzzyOnDroid ✅
@niavy It is German if your browser's preferred language is German, otherwise it's English. If all else fails, just append "?lang=en" to the URL.