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One more demo of GTK autocomplete in Workbench

I'm very happy so far with the experience, checkout the video.

I love that the same feature can be used to discover widgets, properties and write UI faster.

There are still many improvements to be made, but I think it's close to a first release.

You can try it yourself in Workbench nightly

Feedback very welcome

Credits to @flyingpimonster for making this possible!


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in reply to Sonny

Hopefully new release just in time for "Learn GTK" workshop at Berlin GUADEC
in reply to Sonny

Does it autocomplete on Enter? Please, no autocomplete on Enter 😁
in reply to loose cannon


Depends what you mean by “on Enter”. If you mean on newline then no.

Give it a try :)

in reply to Sonny

I mean when I'm trying to type a newline while the autocomplete popup is open. Does it do that?
in reply to Sonny

this tool looks great! How would one then use the resulting blueprint as the frontend for an actual app?