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This week in F-Droid (TWIF) was just published again!

We explain the "unattended upgrades for everyone" in 1.19.0 of our client in more depth.

- we talk about Acode editor - Android code editor, MRepo, PiliPala, SIYuan, K-9 Mail, Rocket.Chat and SimpleX Chat.
- big apps like Gao&Blaze, TuxPaint and Katawa Shoujo: Re-Engineered got their own paragraph
- the spring-cleaning continues
- our recap of FOSDEM is also linked


in reply to F-Droid

Talking about MRepo: for those of you feeling it important that their #Magisk #Modules, too, are #OpenSource you can add the IzzyOnDroid Magisk Repo to MRepo:

It currently holds 102 modules, all of them under a #FOSS license and with their source code transparently available.