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Today is the #ILoveFreeSoftwareDay ! I would like to thank the free softwares I use and that I found on the Fediverse.

The main #FreeSoftware I use is my OS. Thanks to #Manjaro and to @archlinux on which Manjaro is based. And to the @linuxfoundation , @gnome and the #Linux ecosystem.

Thanks @mozilla especially for #Firefox and @thunderbird !

Thanks @zaclys which give me access to @nextcloud , which I thank too.

Thanks also (without order) @keepassxc , @lutris , @Mastodon , @voyagerapp , @Tusky , @fdroidorg , @libreoffice , @GIMP , @lagrange , @termux , @element , @matrix , and others I forgot.

All these projects are wonderful projects maintained by wonderful people. Without you, my everyday life would be harder and less interesting. Love you ❤️!


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