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Just released JavaScript Database (JSDB) version 2.1.0

Added: exposes compactOnLoad and alwaysUseLineByLineLoads options to

(JSDB is a zero-dependency, transparent, in-memory, streaming write-on-update JavaScript database for the Small Web that persists to a JavaScript transaction log.)

#JSDB #javascript #js #database #SmallTech #SmallWeb
in reply to Aral Balkan

Can I trouble you to help me out with something? I typically work on really low levels systems stuff, so I don't have a lot of intuitions for web technology. What would a person use JSDB for? I've been following #SmallWeb stuff but I'm just out of my element.
in reply to Kit Rhett Aultman

@roadriverrail Hey Kit, sure. Basically, you can use it to persist anything (sessions, feedback forms, chat messages, etc.) The only limitation is that it doesnā€™t scale beyond a single process. So you canā€™t use it for ā€œBig Dataā€ (to farm people) :)

The advantage is that itā€™s very easy to use as all youā€™re doing is working with native data structures on the back end. You create and array and push to it, itā€™s persisted. You add a property to an object, itā€™s persisted :)
in reply to Aral Balkan

@roadriverrail The docs have more info and examples:

Also, take a look at the ā€œpersistedā€ examples in Kitten for some more:

(The guestbook example is likely the simplest possible use case.)

Hope that helps :)