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Items tagged with: SmallWeb

Reminder: You have until June 23 (tomorrow!) to submit your "tiny, homemade, personal webprojects", and, as a separate category, your "tiny, homemade multiplayer web projects":

#TinyAwards #indieweb #SmallWeb #websites

And now, complies with #smolweb guidelines…

Even @dillo can display it.

And #netsurf give the same render as firefox.

#smallweb #indieweb

The Man Who Killed #Google #Search.

This guy is taking no prisoners. Even though we all have a good intuitive sense as to why Google has gone to shit, there has been something slippery about it. This article makes it all more concrete.…

#enshittification #SmallWeb #web

If you have a website with neo cities, just know that the creator actually likes AI, and will add it again based on this post alone. Moratorium on freaking out about AI

One alternative I've found is

Background on NeoCities adding AI to their editor.…

#AI #IndieWeb #SmallWeb #neocities

Want to show visitors to your site that your content is human made and doesn't use AI? Grab my badge pack for FREE (or pay as much as you want)

The pack contains 64 88x31px PNG and SVG badges in 8 colors and phrases “made by a human, drawn by a human, human content, written by a human, I am not a robot, never by ai, human content, there's no ai here!”

#free #badges #AI #humanmade #smallweb

this post @capjamesg wrote is almost plucked right out of my brain; been having these thoughts for a while, and i'm so glad to share it. thank you for writing it, james!

"To have a personal website is, presently, an act of rebellion. It is a statement. You are saying: I want to define my experience on the web. I'll let you in on an open secret: Big tech companies aren't the only ones who get to decide how we share ideas on the web. The web is yours. You can put up a website where you share whatever it is that you want to share with others."…

#indieweb #personalweb #smallweb #internet

If you browse a lot of #smallweb #indieweb blogs and websites, you should add the StreetPass extenstion to your web browser. It finds #fediverse accounts associated with the blogs you read, and allows you to view the accounts and follow them if you want.

How does it work?

1. Mastodon users verify themselves by adding a custom link to their personal site.
2. StreetPass lets you know when you've found one of these links, and adds them to your StreetPass list.
3. Browse the web as usual. StreetPass will build a list of Mastodon users made up of the websites you go to.

##StreetPass is made possible by open web identity verification standards and is 100% open source!



Nicht einfach nur die Überschrift lesen. Die Ukraine ist hier nur ein aktuelles Beispiel – und zwar ein sehr anschauliches. Wofür? Nun, warum #Dezentralität und Vielfalt wichtig sind (nicht nur) beim Internet – Stichworte: Resilienz, Zensur, Kontrolle.

Da gibt es auch Parallelen zwischen diesem tollen Artikel vom @liberloebi – und dem #SmallWeb von @aral

Small Web sites will require JavaScript to sign in.


To protect your privacy.

We use public-key authentication (which I’m implementing as we speak) so your secret is never stored on the server and you only enter it in places you own and control.

(I can already see some folks up in arms about this because JavaScript Bad™ so I just checked in the initial copy for the page that gets displayed if JavaScript is off.)

#SmallWeb #Kitten #SmallTech #JavaScript #cryptography #authentication

"Mastodon instances should be limited from growing beyond a certain size. Instances that are already too large should have ways of encouraging people to migrate to smaller ones." -- or why you should not toot about your birthday on #Mastodon.

Excellent arguments here by @aral…

#decentralisation #SmallWeb

Just added initial sessions support to #Kitten. (Kitten is a web development kit that’s small, purrs, and loves you. Not ready for use but feel free to have a play.)…

Web folks, how’s that interface look to you? Simple, no? :)

Ah, the joys of having an in-process JavaScript database to play with, even if I had to write it myself (

The second screenshot shows you how things are stored in JSDB (hint: as a JavaScript append-only log) ;)


Is the fediverse about to get Fryed? (Or, “Why every toot is also a potential denial of service attack”)…

CC @stephenfry @gretathunberg

#fediverse #mastodon #stephenFry #gretaThunberg #smallTech #smallWeb

This stuff is never free anywhere but the scale of Big Tech insulates you from it somewhat.

I actually think it’s good to be reminded that our ability to communicate comes with a cost – in terms of resources, environmental impact, etc., not just money.

But, equally, it also makes the case that a system optimised to host hundreds of thousands of people on a single instance is not also somehow magically optimised to host just one person.

The latter is the problem I’m exploring with #SmallWeb.

I spoke about the fediverse, Elon Musk, and more with Steve Boland back in July for the Next in Nonprofits podcast.

Have a listen:…

#fediverse #nonProfit #notForProfit #surveillanceCapitalism #peopleFarming #BigTech #SmallTech #SmallWeb #podcast

I mean, Mastodon.Social is here for those who want a more traditional social media experience. I too am generally pro #SmallWeb, but most of us newcomers are mainly just looking for a twitter replacement, and so Mastodon.Social has to grow to accommodate the new crowd,

@simeon @pavsaund You’ll get no argument on that from me ;)…

(Apart from perhaps that we should also be looking at designs that aim to make doing what you describe as easy as possible. It’s much easier to set up a system that’s explicitly designed to serve one person than one that is designed to serve 1-100,000 people. The complexity involved is orders of magnitude less in the former.)

#singleTenant #SmallWeb #decentralisation #federation

Food for thought: The bigger gets, the less successful the #fediverse is.

Sadly, the fundamental design of Mastodon mirrors the design of Big Tech (a server architecture that can support hundreds of thousands of “users”) and thus inherits its success criteria.

I feel it’s time we at least started thinking about what the web would look like if we all had our own place on it and what it would take to get there from here.

#decentralisation #centralisation #fediverse #SmallWeb

We should not be optimising Mastodon so it can handle more people per server. We should be optimising Mastodon so it incentivises more serves with fewer people.

(And if you take that line of thinking to its logical conclusion, you arrive at the idea behind the Small Web:…)

#decentralisation #federation #fediverse #SmallWeb

As I work through implementing Domain ( in Kitten (, I’m evolving what an “application” will mean on the Small Web:…

#SmallWeb #domain #kitten #topologicalDecentralisation #web #dev #git #clone #modify #remix

I could just work on improving these error pages for days but I’m going to stop here for now. I’m pretty happy with how they are now for the time being.

(Trying to learn not to go down rabbit holes.) :)

#kitten #smallWeb

I’m giving a (virtual) talk on Small Web at the Wizard Amigos Code Camp this Thursday, 5PM Irish time.

I’ll be demonstrating the latest state of development of Kitten ( and Domain ( and talking about how we must focus on topological decentralisation and tackle decentralisation from a non-colonial perspective.

#smallWeb #smallTech #WizardAmigos #web #dev #decentralisation #kitten #domain

With error pages this nice, you might actually want to introduce some bugs into your sites ;P

(Coming soon to Kitten… having a bit of Friday fun.) :)

#kitten #smallWeb #dev

Oh, and I’ll be porting stuff like sessions back from Domain into Kitten so there will be out-of-the-box support for such basic functionality for any Kitten app. Building such things out in Domain first is helping me ensure that it’s fit for real-world use :)

#smallWeb #kitten #web #dev #sessions

I’m absolutely loving the experience of buiding Domain in Kitten. The best part is that it encourages progressive enhancement (aka building stuff for the web properly) and it’s great to see just how far things have come. You can do so much with HTML that you previously needed JavaScript for (e.g., see the inert navigation sections, that’s just the inert attribute).

Also, can’t wait to enhance it using htmx (& maybe even hyperscript) where necessary :)

#domain #kitten #smallWeb #smallTech

I might be building Domain ( from scratch for the third time but it’s a joy to do so using Kitten ( and I think they’re both going to be better off for it.

Oh yeah, and there will be pink. LOTS of pink!

#smallWeb #kitten #domain

Just implemented a fix for Kitten commands not exiting properly (regression from the new development-time process manager).

Things should be much smoother now. (Also, your pages will auto-refresh in the browser after you fix an error and save the page and/or a dependency of your page.)

#kitten #smallWeb #web #dev

Folks, if you’re using @small-tech/auto-encrypt in your projects, please make sure you’re running the latest version of the package (3.1.0) or certificate provisioning/renewal will fail due to the latest Let’s Encrypt protocol update.…

#tls #https #letsEncrypt #autoEncrypt #js #javaScript #nodeJS #web #dev #smallWeb #smallTech

Join Laura, me, and our special guests TyChi and Michael Toomim live in one hour (5PM Dublin Time; UTC+1) to talk Small Web, DWeb Camp, and Braid (the HTTP synchronisation protocol).

#smallWeb #smallTech #dWebCamp #braid #HTTP #web #dev #liveStream #owncast

Note: if you already have Owncast installed via Site.js, please follow the upgrade instructions for 0.0.11 instead of installing it again using Site.js so as to keep your database, etc.…

#owncast #siteJS #smallWeb #smallTech #liveStreaming

Site.js 17.8.0 released.

- Updates the version of Owncast installed with site enable --owncast to the latest (0.0.12)

#owncast #siteJS #smallWeb #smallTech #liveStreaming

Can I trouble you to help me out with something? I typically work on really low levels systems stuff, so I don't have a lot of intuitions for web technology. What would a person use JSDB for? I've been following #SmallWeb stuff but I'm just out of my element.

Just released JavaScript Database (JSDB) version 2.1.0

Added: exposes compactOnLoad and alwaysUseLineByLineLoads options to

(JSDB is a zero-dependency, transparent, in-memory, streaming write-on-update JavaScript database for the Small Web that persists to a JavaScript transaction log.)

#JSDB #javascript #js #database #SmallTech #SmallWeb