Items tagged with: SmallTech


Items tagged with: SmallTech

Freedom isn’t freedom if it’s only for abled people.

Then again, there’s a reason you don’t see the word “freedom” in “open source.”

And there’s a reason “share alike” is just one of the principles of Small Technology, alongside a non-colonial approach, inclusivity, and others. (…)

#openSource #ableism #foss #freedom #accessibility #a11y #inclusivity #SmallTech

Small Web sites will require JavaScript to sign in.


To protect your privacy.

We use public-key authentication (which I’m implementing as we speak) so your secret is never stored on the server and you only enter it in places you own and control.

(I can already see some folks up in arms about this because JavaScript Bad™ so I just checked in the initial copy for the page that gets displayed if JavaScript is off.)

#SmallWeb #Kitten #SmallTech #JavaScript #cryptography #authentication

Is the fediverse about to get Fryed? (Or, “Why every toot is also a potential denial of service attack”)…

CC @stephenfry @gretathunberg

#fediverse #mastodon #stephenFry #gretaThunberg #smallTech #smallWeb

I spoke about the fediverse, Elon Musk, and more with Steve Boland back in July for the Next in Nonprofits podcast.

Have a listen:…

#fediverse #nonProfit #notForProfit #surveillanceCapitalism #peopleFarming #BigTech #SmallTech #SmallWeb #podcast

I’m giving a (virtual) talk on Small Web at the Wizard Amigos Code Camp this Thursday, 5PM Irish time.

I’ll be demonstrating the latest state of development of Kitten ( and Domain ( and talking about how we must focus on topological decentralisation and tackle decentralisation from a non-colonial perspective.

#smallWeb #smallTech #WizardAmigos #web #dev #decentralisation #kitten #domain

I’m absolutely loving the experience of buiding Domain in Kitten. The best part is that it encourages progressive enhancement (aka building stuff for the web properly) and it’s great to see just how far things have come. You can do so much with HTML that you previously needed JavaScript for (e.g., see the inert navigation sections, that’s just the inert attribute).

Also, can’t wait to enhance it using htmx (& maybe even hyperscript) where necessary :)

#domain #kitten #smallWeb #smallTech

Just released JavaScript Database (JSDB) version 2.1.0

Added: exposes compactOnLoad and alwaysUseLineByLineLoads options to

(JSDB is a zero-dependency, transparent, in-memory, streaming write-on-update JavaScript database for the Small Web that persists to a JavaScript transaction log.)

#JSDB #javascript #js #database #SmallTech #SmallWeb

So what do y’all think about this for all the code you need for a basic POST/redirect/GET guestbook web app with Kitten?

Does it all make sense?…

Basically, you run kitten on that directory and hit https://localhost.

(Note: Kitten is not ready for use yet. I think the core design is solid now though. You can play with it but I’m only starting to work on the developer experience now. Should be far nicer in the next few weeks.)

#kitten #web #dev #smallTech #smallWeb

Airone, a JSDB-style database in Rust, “aimed at helping small-tech to be produced, which is a way of building technology antithetical to the Silicon Valley model. Small-tech features close-to-zero data collection, a free and open source structure to achieve good transparency, no lust to scale exponentially, no desire in tracking people's behaviour while crunching tons of data and, overall, it has a goal to keep things simple and human.”…


#airone #jsdb #SmallTech

LibRedirect really gives you a taste of what the web could have been like had it not developed under capitalism.

(Thanks to everyone who suggested it to me here. I really feel the difference when I’m on my iPhone and I’m like, wait, why did the web become shit all of a sudden?) :)

#libRedirect #BigTech #alternatives #SmallTech #stopgaps

Just submitted my grant application for our Domain project to NLnet for their User-Operated Internet Fund.

I believe the process for public funding should itself be public so you can read the entire submission on my blog (with better formatting than the text-only original submission, a video, and pictures) and I’ll be posting future communication there also:…

#nlnet #eu #funding #grant #foss #smallWeb #smallTech #domain #kitten #publicMoneyPublicProcessPublicCode

The Small Web isn’t about going back to the days of GeoCities. It’s about going forward differently, using modern tech in a non-colonial manner.

It’s not about building clones of Twitter, YouTube, etc. There’s no way anyone can self-host a dozen different services. Instead, it’s about having a single-tenant place on the Web that you own and control without technical knowhow; a place you can add Twitter, YouTube, etc., *features* to.…

#SmallWeb #SmallTech #SingleTenant

The Small Technology Foundation researches and promotes online services designed for human beings rather than corporate profits.

You can follow their live streaming account at:

➡️ @fedi

and to see more general posts on related topics follow their co-founder Aral Balkan at:

➡️ @aral

The Small Technology Foundation's website is at:

#SmallTechnologyFoundation #Technology #Fediverse #FOSS #Online #Computing #Web0 #SmallTech #SmallWeb #Privacy #Activism #NGOs

Really love how our Owncast site is looking (if I do say so myself) :)

Also, remember that you can set up Owncast on a VPS with the following Site.js command:

site enable --owncast

That’s it.

It’ll be up and running with automatic TSL certificates and everything. You just need to sign into the admin, change your password/stream key and maybe take a few moments to customise your site info :)

#owncast #siteJS #SmallWeb #SingleTenantWeb #SmallTech

Happy to help if I can. Take a look at the following when you get a minute and let me know if any of it sounds interesting.……………

#SmallTech #SmallWeb

w00t, just got the major refactor branch of NodeKit ( running the Hello Count example for the first time.

Been refactoring the hell out of NodeKit recently to take it from prototype to maintainable app.

Nice to have a little win.

Now to find all the other things that are no doubt broken :)

#NodeKit #SmallTech #NodeJS #server

It’s not about not getting challenged. You can get challenged all you like (as anyone you haven’t blocked can reply and challenge you). And, as I said, no one is forced to listen to you either as anyone can block your account or the whole instance.

But what it does is correctly model personhood, which the “servers of many” model doesn’t.

It’s the small tech/web philosophy. Communities are made up of individuals. That’s what we model.…

#smallTech #smallWeb

Now that I'm on a new instance, I'll write a new #introduction.

I am a follower of Jesus, mutualist hobbyist programmer, and sysadmin (in that order). I'm passionate about #CooperativeTechnology, #smalltech, and liberating people all around within and without technology.

I'm interested in alternative internet protocols (#Gemini), mobile Linux, real sustainability, and various computer languages (including #Rust and #Zig).

Also hosting! Join us if you'd like. 🙂