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The case for AI in #accessibility is a hotly contested one but I do feel the baby's being tossed out with the bathwater just a tiny bit. Yes, it is bad that AI is being used to phase out hoomans in all sorts of pursuits. And yes, it is also true that at least at the moment, Ai-generated anything is generally lower quality than hooman-generated stuff. And yes, it is also true that we're seeing AI in places we really shouldn't be seeing it (MDN anyone?) and that people, just like always with a new toy, are going absolutely nuts with it and putting it front and center like it's Cthulhu's new miracle to end all toilet paper shortages. But it CAN, at times, actually be an enabler. It CAN, OCCASIONALLY, actually be used for good, and I don't think people who find this out and do this should be villified

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in reply to Florian

Yeah, AI can certainly do a lot of cool thins. he only thing I discovered chat gpt was not good at, was wiritng a business paper for my sister. that thing repeats itself and isn't educated in my language enough. Someone should feed it more information. ;)
in reply to Florian

If image generation gets good enough to make me Twitch banners, or blog featured images, or make small video edits for me, or write me CSS that actually looks good, you bet your glutal hemispheres I'm going to make use of it. Purely a matter of efficiency. We haven't had a decent video editor that's #accessible as long as I've been alive, I think i've waited long enough for hoomans to step up. If AI can do it, AI can do it. Screen readers can't tell me if CSS is doing what I want, so if AI can do it that just means I can be more productive as a developer. Again, I've waited for this situation to improve in #screenreaders for my entire professional career, so if what is for all intents and purposes a new tool can enable me to do this, I will happily make use of it. Summarizing articles in between all the newsletter popups, ads, images without alt text and silent videos? Absolutely. Just another #accessibility tool at this point. So yeah. Bad, but not all bad.

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in reply to Florian

@Binder It is possible to use AI ethically, but that seems to be more the exception than the rule. Are you using an image generator that is properly paying for images, or one that scrapes and steals them? If someone isn't sure of the answer, they aren't using it ethically. In which case, I'd say they do deserve vilification for contributing to the problem. No amount of "but this is easier for me" makes that okay.
in reply to JJ Litke

@jjLitke @Binder there absolutely is something to that. Then again, to what degree is an image being " stolen" if it's used as an inspiration for a new creation? What I know of LLMs in general is that really all they do is make plausible predictions, based on what they've seen before. So if images get scraped, provided the dataset is large enough, wouldn't that mean that somebody's ill-gotten art is only used as inspiration for, maybe, a tenth or even a hundredth of the newly generated piece of content? I might be completely beside the mark here, I'll be the first to admit that. If people's images are being literally reproduced one to one that is not OK , particularly without attribution, but is that always the case?
in reply to Florian

@Binder They aren't being used as "inspiration" and I think you actually know that. You're just trying hard to come up with reasons to justify using other people's work for your benefit.

I hope you remember this someday when someone wholesale steals your work and doesn't compensate you for it. Or maybe you don't actually create anything yourself, and that's why you don't care about taking advantage of those who do.

in reply to JJ Litke

@jjLitke @Binder I am a fully blind individual who only knows about the image generation side of using AI from a handful of third party accounts so no, I do not, in fact, know that, and I don't feel I deserve the personal vehemence you're levying at me. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
in reply to Florian

Well said. there is no point in arguing with someone who cannot see the bigger picture. The bigger picture being that one, we're blind two we can't see images, and three we quite can't create what we can't see. So, yes, even I would use AI generated images and won't even feel guilty. Just because we might use these tools does not mean we do not acknowledge people who have put hard work and effort. Sometimes, the best way to understand someone is to literally be in their place. But I don't wish that on anyone. There's no full understanding of people, and we each try our best to understand others, but rudeness is not the way to go. So, well said.