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I've been primarily using old Jaws 2019 for a while, and started encountering more web accessibility bugs that doesn't exist on NVDA. Either my Jaws is too old, or Web Devs are using NVDA to test. To attempt to switch fully to NVDA, I uninstalled Jaws! I'll use NVDA for entire summer as a trial and see how it goes! Wish me luck! #NVDA #accessibility
in reply to Chi Kim

Welcome aboard Chi! As you are coming from Jaws, we have a page you may find useful on Switching from Jaws to NVDA:…

And of course, if you do run into any issues or questions, feel free to ask!

in reply to NV Access

@NVAccess Yes, I read that, and it was very helpful What actually got me to switch to NVDA after using JAWS for 26 years was discovering that turning off screen layout makes it more similar to how JAWS behaves in web view!
in reply to Chi Kim

Fantastic! And, as someone who has used Jaws a lot more recently than I have - if you note anything on that page which is out of date, or have any "I know how to do this with Jaws, how do I do it with NVDA?" questions the page doesn't answer, please do let us know!