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📢 The EU Parliament will not be moving forward with chat control! The indiscriminate mass surveillance measures have been removed and secure end-to-end encryption will not be compromised! 🥳

💪Let's keep pushing for strong privacy rights!👇
#chatcontrol #eu #privacy #datenschutz #encryption #politics #goodnews

in reply to Tuta

Wow, some good news, that's rare :)

"The EU Parliament will not be moving forward with chat control! The indiscriminate mass surveillance measures have been removed and secure end-to-end encryption will not be compromised"

Now UK, I hope you are watching...


in reply to Tuta

it’s too late anyway. Math exists. They can ban and back door some encryption implementations all they want, but the genie is already out of the bottle. It has been since Egyptian times (substitution ciphers). Possibly earlier… who knows? I’m not a cryptography expert but I suspect I could write an extremely difficult-to-crack key-based encryption/decryption algorithm myself in an hour or less. I think we need to accept this reality and move on.
in reply to Tuta

Well there'll be a new pandemic soon to sneak it back through without anyone noticing.
in reply to Tuta

The final legislation will be negotiated between three institutions.
1. European Commission - their position remains unchanged;
2. The Council - their position has not been concluded but will probably not be very positive;
3. The European Parliament, whose position is likely to be more or less okay.
One of three negotiating entities wishing to protect encryption does not mean that encryption will be protected.
Great news, but this battle isn’t nearly over.
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Joe

@why0hy True. The fight continues and we're at it.