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The 2nd (and by far biggest) wave of new #Mastodon user additions is declining... which isn't a bad thing at all. It gives all the admins some time to relax and to take care of their servers.

And it helps all of us to engage with interesting new accounts to make sure that they'll stay here. The amount of amazing new users, scientists, journalists, creators... this was such an incredible quality-content boost for Mastodon and the #fediverse

Thank you for being part of this. You rock 🤘

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Sascha Pallenberg 🇹🇼 ♻️ ⚡

And please please please support your admins. Donate or tell them how great they are.

Wait... screw that!

👉 Tell them how great they are AND donate!

These guys are creating the platform we all love. Thank you 🙏

#mastodon #fediverse #introduction