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Items tagged with: introduction

One Year of Accessible Android: Empowering the Blind Community Together… #Android #Accessibility #Anniversary #Introduction

My Software Projects, Security Research, and other Computery Stuff
This is a list of my favorite side projects and open-source work, collected into a single list so I can pin it to my profile. Replies are welcome!

- I'm the creator and lead dev of ModShark, a standalone auto-moderator for Sharkey instances. There's a severe lack of good moderation features for fediverse nodes, but I hope to improve the situation with ModShark and other independent tools.

- I occasionally publish fedi-admin-scripts, a small collection of scripts, queries, and documentation for admins of Sharkey and Akkoma instances. The goal here is low-effort knowledge sharing for the benefit of other admins.

- One of my larger projects is AP-WAF, a plugin-based extensible firewall for ActivityPub software. I hope it can bridge the feature gap between different fediverse servers by moving low-level moderation and security features into the middleware layer.

- I'm building ActivityPubSharp, an implementation of ActivityPub in C#. I'm using a novel approach to model AP's dynamically-typed extensions model in a type-safe way without sacrificing C#'s efficient, strong typing model.

- I built little-log-scan as a tool to track botnets and other internet threats. LLS ingests webserver logs through a series of heuristic rules to detect known vulnerabilities, identify payload types, and aggregate metadata. The output is structured for easy research analysis.

- As time allows, I'm building Lavender FE - a "universal" frontend for fediverse instances. Lavender is designed to seamlessly integrate multiple accounts, regardless of the instance or backend software.

- I curate a list of DotNet-ActivityPub-Projects, which is exactly what it sounds like. My goal is to index all projects that implement ActivityPub using C# or another CLR language.

- What started as a meme is now the Expressions AS Extension, an ActivityStreams extension meant to introduce protocol-level support for non-text communication. I hope that Expressions can enable new federated communication modes that are more comfortable to neurodivergent people.

- I contribute to Letterbook, a next-generation fediverse server offering simple operation and powerful safety tools. Letterbook incorporates a unique architecture that avoids many of the classic limitations faced by fedi server projects.

- I also contribute to Sharkey, a soft-fork of Misskey offering extensive quality-of-life improvements. Sharkey is designed as a safe extension of Misskey's native feature set, providing widespread improvements with minimal risk.

#OpenSourceSoftware #FediDevs #FediDev #Introduction

My main instance is down, and I am unsure if it will return, so I cannot transfer my followers, so boosts would be helpful! I am a Blind Romance writer, #Accessibility advocate, and more! I do a lot of digital community work and love reading audiobooks. I still do penpals, the snail mail way! I detest #AI but love eating international candy! #Introduction #Introductions

Hi everyone, figured I'd do an #introduction :)

I'm Tobi, I live in Southern Germany.
I'm interested in all things #foss, #privacy, #kubernetes, #ttrpg and spend lots of time making #music

Right, I've been sleeping on this, probably because I don't think there's much I can write. Either way, #introduction time

Hi, I'm Regalia and I'm a cute dog delivered to you over JSON-LD. Most of my stuff here is just me posting about how I feel or what I'm doing, came from before settling at here.

For the technical side, I do work around the social VR sphere, I do sysadmin as a hobby (bearer of the curse image here) and I dabble in video encoding (even if it can feel like witchcraft sometimes). I'm also the trans Arch Linux user, because of course I am.

Oh, also I'm gay. Really fucking gay. There's so many cute girls, especially if they have floppy ears. Pet them. Pet the dog girls.

#Introduction Hi! I'm a physics grad student currently focusing on studying theoretical aspects of black holes. I'm interested in all sorts of theoretical physics (especially #GeneralRelativity and #QuantumInformation) as well as open and accessible science. I'm hoping to find people here interested in me rambling about papers I'm reading and/or can tolerate my occasional obscure physics puns ^^'

Since, I moved instances, I'm going to reintroduce myself.

I'm Isabelle Jackson, but I generally just go by Izzy. I'm 19 and I'm a computer science student. I like tech, games, and Linux. I use Fedora Silverblue as my OS of choice and use GNOME as my main desktop.

I maintain Binary, a number base converter, and am working on Colourful, an inspirational app generating colours. I'm also interested in contributing to other GNOME/GNOME-related projects.

I'm transfem, and have ADHD and autism. I have my pronouns as a data field on my profile. I generally go by she/her, but if we're close at all, they/them is fine also.

Feel free to put in a follow request. Unless you have a blank profile, a bigot, or otherwise a bad person, I'll likely accept. I just like having extra control over my account.


Introducing Libervia: A Universal Communication Ecosystem

This is the first video of a series of short videos about Libervia, where I'll be showcasing the project's features, design ideas, and tutorials.
In this video, I'll give a quick introduction to Libervia and demonstrate the web frontend using the Docker demo.
Stay tuned for future videos, where we'll dive deeper into specific features, design choices, and tutorials.

Hey people. I am not good with #introduction posts but let's see. My name is Arkadiusz, I am currently 22 years old and I am studying #chinese in #Milan, #Italy. I am passionate about #programming for #Apple platforms, as I am a huge fan of their hardware and software. I will be mostly writing and reading about #accessibility, #programming, #swift, #china and #chinese (in no particular order). Hit me up for any questions.

I am going todo a #introduction post:

Hey!! I am Nate
uhh I don't really know what to say about myself so have a bunch of hashtags

#systemadmin #linux #apple #did #system #hacker #gay #taken #plural #8ballsystem #nowindows #anarchy #anarchist #adhd
we are a #hamradio tech
we want to get into #cybersec and #systemadmin
our favorite TV show is #BSG (Battlestar Galactica) So say we all

if you have any questions feel free to reach out!

New instance, new introduction. Hello, I am Adam from Ottawa Canada. I am a totally blind man, identifying as he/him.
My primary interests are technology and music. I was a former professional drummer, playing the bar stages of Ottawa and the ocasional out-of-town show.
I've always been rhythmical, annoying the heck out of my parents at the tendor age of four on up banging on pots, pans, spoons, and whatever else I could get my grubby little hands on.
I got my first drum kit when I was 12, back in 1999. I got a couple of upgrades over the years, and then switched to electronic kits in 2007 when I managed to save and purchase a Roland TD-12 kit with my own money. That was like buying a car for me, LOL.
I was professionally active from 2007 until 2019.
Some hearing issues with extended loudness causing anxiety and unease started my issues with playing live shows, and then COVID19 really finished that career.

I've been interested in technology from a young age as well, receiving my first electronic note taker for the blind, a Blazie Engineering Braille Lite in 1996 at the age of 9.
I then got my first computer in the summer of 1998, learned DOS, then eventually Windows 3.1, 95, and on up.
I've had many, many, many computers and other technological devices since those days, and I have done any serious compute work in Linux, where in I am mostly referring to running servers, hosting things, and distributed compute projects.
Professionally, I am currently a systems/server administrator, backend web developer, database administrator, and infrastructure administrator.
Other interests include animals, documentaries, listening to most kinds of music, having deep intellectual conversations, and pondering the meaning of life.
#Mastodon #Introduction #Ottawa #Canada #Blind #Music #Technology


Disabled activist & grad student in STEM. Expertise in almond bud development and carob. Founder of UC Access Now.

Interested in funded PhD opportunities in Canada, Western Europe, and NZ, speaking, publishing, opportunities re accessibility/anti-ableism. Interested in folks to collaborate with on plant breeding, horticulture, plant humanities, and other projects. Trying to afford a podcast!

Too many interests to fit in my bio or in one toot!…

Hi! I'm Danny Redwoods. I'm a kinky queer trans guy who makes porn. I'm into bdsm primarily, but my kinks run deep and wide and are always expanding.

Besides kinks, right now I'm into comedy (in all forms), horror/thriller, fashion/style, Hazbin Hotel, Cyberpunk 2077, youtube, Jerma985, weed, and the Real Housewives.

#intro #intropost #introduction #introductionpost #photography #selfportrait #selfie #selfphotography #introductions #intros #sexworker #porn #smut #transporn #queerporn #queer #trans #kinky #smirk #outfit

Hello, world! 👋 It’s your friendly neighborhood Linux app store here on the Fediverse! Check our profile, we’re verified. 😎

Speaking of which… if you’re an app developer and want to get your app verified on Flathub, check the docs! If you need any help, give us a shout here.…

#Flathub #Flatpak #OpenSource #Linux #FOSS #FLOSS #introduction

A quick #introduction:

I'm Joanna, a mature undergrad in my final year studying #Zoology at the University of Nottingham, UK. I plan to study MSc Data Science next.

Current interests are in Ecoinformatics, #ecology, conservation and #DataScience.

Here to connect with other lifelong learners with a passion for exploring the natural world.

Hello! We are Sagittaras Games, an independent game studio from the Czech Republic. We are the creators of the retro arcade shooter #vectroblast, which you can download on Google Play.

And on Mastodon, we would like to share with you the current happenings in our studio, including upcoming news! #indiedev #introduction…

New instance, new #introduction 😀

This account is all about the community around Fairphone. 📱
So expect posts about community meetups 🗓️, Fairphone Angels 👼, pointers to our forum 🌐 and the occasional update on custom ROMs 🛠️.
We might also boost selected posts asking for help/sharing individual experiences with Fairphones.

Currently the account is run by Ingo /i and Urs /u as you can see in our bio along with the hint that we’re not representing the company Fairphone.

On the fediverse since 29.04.2018, our old instance went poof two days before we could migrate to our new home provided by @paula and the Fediverse Foundation (many thanks for that 👏).

So here we are again!

As we’ve lost all our followers of the old account, BOOSTS are more welcome than ever.

Ingo & Urs

#Fairphone #WeAreFairphone #Fairphone10years

Buenas! Me llamo Nerea, soy de España(CyL) y tengo 22 años (Taylor's version), vengo de twitter y aunque sigo manteniendo la cuenta todo lo que está pasando allí me está cansando mucho muchito 🫠
Me gustaría hacer una #presentación un poco más extensa para ver si consigo gente para interactuar y hacernos amiwis:D
Me dedico a la sanidad(soy TCAE, estoy haciendo prácticas de técnico de transporte sanitario y quiero estudiar emergencias sanitarias en un futuro)
Me gustan los #videojuegos(sobretodo #nintendoswitch :nintendo:
Llevo jugando #pokemon desde muy pequeña, #animalcrossing #acnh es uno de mis juegos favoritos, #lifeisstrange me encanta y los juegos de decisiones! :acnh: :psyduck:
Y los juegos de #supermario y #kirby me gustan mucho :amarioluigidance: :gaming_kirby5:
Suelo escuchar #taylorswift, #måneskin y #oliviarodrigo :taylorlove:
También me gustan los #libros, el #anime y #sanrio
Ah, y los michis, adoro los michis :ablobcatheart:
#introduction #introducción

От себя тоже поприветствую всех пришедших и дам несколько советов.

✅ Заполните профиль и поставьте аватарку. Неплохой идеей будет указать там ваши увлечения или вид деятельности.
✅ Напишите что-нибудь: приветствие, пост о себе (тут используют тег #introduction
✅ Листайте ваши локальные и глобальные ленты, и подписывайтесь на тех, кто интересен - тут нет алгоритма, который будет подсовывать вам контент. Набрать свою ленту нужно будет самостоятельно. Также возможно вам будет полезно зайти в настройки и установить языки контента, которые вы хотите видеть в ленте.
✅ Общайтесь с людьми.
✅ Не бросайте как только Twitter опять даст заднюю - дайте свободным соцсетям шанс, они могут вас удивить.

Эти простые советы могут помочь вам не заскучать и заинтересовать других людей подписаться на вас.

Если будет интересно почитать про Mastodon и Федивёрс в целом - список статей и постов по этой теме есть внизу на нашем проекте-лендинге Fediland:

Добро пожаловать и удачи!

#Mastodon #Fediverse #twitter #migration #TwitterMigration #log #новичкам #newbies


Hi! The Moment is a #Podcast about #DoctorWho.

On each episode of The Moment, I speak with a different guest about an individual moment in an episode of Doctor Who that they have a lot to say about.

The show is currently on hiatus, but it will be back soon! I hope to have more info for you in May 2023.

In the mean time, why not listen to an episode from our archive? They're all good!

We're spreading the news! Check out our latest blog, "Follow Freedom Scientific on Mastodon:"…

#FreedomScientific #Fediverse #Introduction #Introductions #FreedomScientificTraining

New to Mastodon. Thought id give an #introduction!

My name is Dillon. I am a biologist and Science communicator mainly active on the instagram. If im not hyperfixating on my R code, I am creating online courses and educational material, being opinionated about conservation, or out looking for frogs!

Anyone mind giving me a primer for how Mastodon works? Im still very new to it all

Picture is of my favorite salamander! (Bolitoglossa mexicana)

Quick #introduction & #firstpost.

Twitter is doing my head in with
- Algorithm changes
- Limiting external links to #substack etc

Through reading a blog I ended up here looking for change and the future of social DEX platforms.

I welcome your TIPS in being here.

- CC

Thanks Paweł, and greetings everyone. Please follow us for everything related to Android and accessibility. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, whether you're just getting started or have more complex questions. #Introduction

Ostatnio na #Mastodon wprowadziło się sporo osób niewidomych. Powodem jest odcięcie przez Twittera dostępu do API co efektywnie unieruchomiło dedykowane nam wygodne nieoficjalne klienty. Teraz szukają tu społeczności, która odpowiadałaby ich zainteresowaniom czy to sportowym, muzycznym czy też Fantasy, Fanfiction itp. Powitajcie ich ciepło i opisujcie obrazki.
Nowoprzybyli: dopisujcie się w odpowiedzi pod tym tweetem to będzie Was łatwiej znaleźć. Sami też możecie się przedstawić pod hashtagami na końcu mojego wpisu.
Jedna polecajka ode mnie leci dla wszystkich, którzy chcą lepiej poznać #Dostępność Androida. Fantastyczną robotę robi ekipa serwisu @accessibleandroid, dostarczając poradniki, recenzje aplikacji, podcast, forum dyskusyjne, a nawet własną, dedykowaną aplikację, wszystko z myślą o niewidomych użytkownikach robocika.
#Introduction #Powitanie

Hey folks, new to the server and thought an #introduction was in order.

I'm Nolan, A.K.A.. Lights Out Games, a blind game developer making audio-focused games. Check out my profile link for examples of what these sound like.

I also do lots of open source work, much of which currently involves game accessibility in some form. Notably, recently I helped integrate the #Bevy engine with platform accessibility APIs via AccessKit.

Look forward to meeting you all.


:gnome: You asked, so here we are! This is an account for GNOME Boxes, a virtual machine manager designed to make your life easier when working with VMs on Linux.

In this account we will share development updates, ask for opinions, and help you with issues.


#introduction #Introductions is a free and open #XMPP provider located in Canada. Our goal is to provide secure and encrypted communication to anybody who might need it. Check us out at 👍 :xmpp:

So this is it: I am starting a new adventure on Mastodon with Kilobyte Magazine. This is a free PDF-Zine about computers and consoles from the 1970s, 80s and 90s, fokussing on #8bit machines. Newer projects around these computers and consoles are also very welcome. For starters, I will probably post some older articles on here. You can find back issues as PDF easily for free online (like e.g. on See you arond here!
#introduction #retrogaming

#introduction radio free fedi is a small web, consent driven, artist populated, non-commercial, attribution promoting, community radio

we are now ready to accept more submissions, and are here to promote sound and music artists, their support links, desired license and fedi presence if they wish in an eclectic and fun radio format

24/7 music from the fedi with "theNews" at the top of each hour

keep fedi weird

#radio #community #fedimusic #fediart #music #art

I love actors! #Introduction

If you’re an actor (or agent, casting director, &c), reply with something like “I’m an actor!” and tag me and I’ll add you to my list of actors.

Let your actor-followers know by boosting this post.

Here’s my current list of actors:…

#Actor #Actriz #ActorsOfMastodon #Acting #ActorsLife #Theatre #Film #Movies #TV #VoiceActor #BlackActor #BipocActor #AsianActor
 #SagAftra #bafta #sag #equity #meaa

🪴#introduction 🪴

I'm Ivan, a transmasculine #GameDev and artist from rural Spain 🌱

Currently making games as part of the Brainwash Gang (Laika:Aged Through Blood, Grotto), concept art at Deconstructeam (Essays On Empathy) & posting small games and zines sometimes on my 🌵💖

Hello! We are a new instance for #artists and #creators, both amateur and professional. We serve the creative community and want to provide them a place to promote their work and build an audience on #Mastodon and the #Fediverse. Your fans can follow your accounts from other servers, but this is exclusively for artists and creators for now.

We're just starting out, but applications are open for artists and creators, come see us at


So I understand that the bird site has started blocking links to common/known Mastodon instances, and that doesn't seem like free speech to me. So... I did a thing.

If you go to it is now a URL shortener that blocks the twitter user agent. That means you can share that link that will redirect to your Mastodon account without the pouty baby stopping you. If you find this helpful can you boost so others can find it? #TwitterMigration #Mastodon #Musk #introduction

I suppose I should make a proper #introduction post for this place - hello everyone!

I'm Andrea. I'm a trans woman, a communist, and a tech/VFX artist, currently doing effects for #valheim at Iron Gate.

I have previously worked on a bunch of cool games like The Stanley Parable, What the Golf?, The Gunk, Wavetale, and... about 10 more.

Here's some random pictures of some personal work!

Our #introduction to #bookstodon!

Hello, we are Canongate Books, an independent #publisher of an eclectic mix of #authors for an eclectic and discerning audience of readers. You might know us from the spines of:

Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Lanark by Alasdair Gray
The Book of Form and Emptiness by Ruth Ozeki
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat by Samin Nosrat
The Outrun by Amy Liptrot
& many, many more.

We're based in Edinburgh and London, and next year we'll be 50. Hello!

Time for an #introduction now that my account is finally on my own instance where I intend it to stay.

I'm a techie and a writer. I first started programming on a Vic20 when I was about 5 years old. I started writing some years later but put it aside for many years.

The last few years I picked it up again, and have published two #scifi novels so far, which you can read more about at

#scifi #reading #amwriting #bookstodon #twittermigration

#introduction #catsofthefediverse #fluffydemonsupremacy

Hello world, I am Luna Beelzebub. I'm a 4 year old demon of the feline variety, entirely indifferent to humans unless either I'm hunting them for sport or they are dispensing food.

My favorite hobby is hiding in dark rooms and scaring the shit out of people. I only bite if I like you.

Let’s do a proper #introduction. I am Slothdude, a hobbyist #sloth #artist. I used to draw sloths on an app called #DrawQuest until it shut down, and then for a while drew sloth portraits of people on another app called French Girls until that shut down, too. Now I draw sloths wherever I can, usually with an iPad app #Procreate. I do slothified versions of fine #art as well as cartoons and #fanart. I am also a #lego enthusiast.
I can be found under the handle @dqslothdude on the bird site.