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This month, 10 years ago, Edward Snowden changed the world.

His revelations about mass surveillance were a wake-up call and may have bought us years in our fight for privacy and encryption. 🔒


Here are 3 illegal NSA programs that he exposed! 👇

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A program under which the NSA collects internet communications from various US companies such as #Google #facebook #twitter under the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 to turn over any data that match court-approved search terms.

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2. XKeyscore

A secret computer system used by the NSA for searching and analyzing global Internet data, which it collects in real time.

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3. Boundless Informant

A big data analysis and data visualization tool used by the NSA. It gives NSA managers summaries of the NSA's worldwide data collections containing an immense amount of metadata.

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I started my whole privacy journey when The Looming Tower miniseries premiered on Hulu back in 2018. To see the FBI and CIA fail so spectacularly to work together to stop the 9/11 attacks and save lives after all the information they had on Al-Qaeda made me question for the first time in my life: Why would we give these agencies more power over our lives?