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Items tagged with: facebook

Tuesday: Following it's huge successes suing #Facebook, #noyb is suing #Microsoft for spying on children:… 🤢


Zusammenfassung der Posts zur #rp24 über die drei Tage. Fediverse mit einem klaren Vorsprung vor #Xcorp, #Bluesky und #Threads sind quasi gleichauf. #Linkedin konnte ich nur unvollständig erfassen, weil sie Suche dort nur einen eingeschränkten Zeitraum zurückgeht (und Posts haben keinen Veröffentlichungszeitpunkt, nur einen Veröffentlichungstag). #Facebook abgeschlagen am letzten Platz. #Instagram kann ich gar nicht mehr vergleichen, weil die Suche nur noch Top-Beiträge anzeigt, nicht mehr die aktuellsten. #TikTok Suche ist ebenfalls ungeeignet, weil Hashtags nicht exakt gematcht werden und deshalb die Ergebnisse statt mit re:publica mit RetourenPrinz24 voll sind. Solltet ihr Vorschläge für andere Plattformen haben, wo öffentliche Kommunikation zur Veranstaltung stattgefunden hat, lasst es mich wissen.

Plattform | Posts im Zeitraum (posts gesamt gefunden) von wie vielen unterschiedlichen Accounts
Fediverse 1747 (2288) von 400
X Corp 1284 (1723) von 485
Bluesky 942 (1125) von 332
Threads 936 (1208) von 196
Linkedin 587 (597) von 467
Facebook 286 (481) von 151

Vielleicht schaue ich mir noch irgendwann Reposts und Engagement an.

Data #privacy has never been a high priority to #Facebook.

Recent court documents reveal the startling truth of the lengths they were willing to go to turn a profit. 💰


If you’re on, I would highly recommend that you switch to a different server that protects its people instead of exposing them to a well-known bad actor like Facebook/Meta via Threads.

For alternatives, see:

And remember that Mastodon is not the fediverse. The fediverse is much more than just Mastodon and definitely more so than and Mastodon gGmbH.

#mastodonSocial #mastodonGGMBH #mastodon #fediverse #threads #facebook #meta

⚡ Watch out: #Microsoft joins #Google & #Facebook with its focus on ads first. ⚡

When creating a test account, #Outlook informed us of 813 data sharing partners! 🫢

Plus, the "new" Outlook app is quietly storing your data in the cloud, including your passwords.

I think this #xz thing is gonna go down as the day #FLOSS officially lost its innocence.

You know what I hope comes out of this moment of sincere sadness for those who care about this stuff?

A sense that we will no longer be abused by Megacorps who build on the backs of our work but can't be arsed to help fund that work despite the fact that literally THE CONTINUED EXISTENCE OF THEIR BUSINESS depends on it.

Do you think #google, #amazon or #facebook could exist in their current form without oodles of super high quality free software to run their server swarms on?

Because they can't. For those of us old enough to remember, just imagine "the cloud" if every virtual server required a Solaris or SCO license.

If you've given all you can give, walk away. Open source is wonderful and amazing but you are human and your health and well being is more important. I don't care what falls down as a result.

#Google and #Facebook didn't kill #Jabber / #XMPP. They hammered the final nails of its coffin. Big difference. The lesson of the XMPP story is that the community shouldn't get complacent just because a big corp is now backing them, support their own smaller #FOSS developers through any means they can (whether financial or code), put out a unique thing every now and then, and make sure the UX is not horrible for new users. I think #Misskey, #Sharkey, and #Catodon got those lessons right (especially the very latter, UX was really horrible in XMPP back then and I think that's what "killed" it if you can even call it that). Not sure about #Mastodon though. Maybe that's what why almost all of the worry I'm hearing about #Threads comes predominantly from Mastodon and Mastodon-compatible (in the sense they try to be as compatible with Masto as possible in terms of API) instances. :seija_coffee: #fediversemeta

"Facebook snooped on users’ Snapchat traffic in secret project, documents reveal"

Das ist vorsätzliches Umgehen von Sicherheitsmaßnahmen und eine illegale Überwachung/Spionage. Wer Meta/Facebook noch in irgendeiner Weise vertraut, der sollte sich gut überlegen, was Vertrauen für ihn bedeutet.…

#vpn #surveillance #snooping #facebook #meta #vertrauen

📱 Facebook is 20. Author Jamie Bartlett investigates the new digital elite and the power of the vast platforms they control.

Gatekeepers, a new podcast on BBC Sounds

#Facebook #SocialMedia #PlatformEconomy #JamieBartlett #podcast #technology

But, hey, I might be wrong and the #W3C now fully believes in its new ethical web principles. In which case, they will no doubt take action and expel members that only exist because their business model relies on violating them.

#Google is fundamentally incompatible with the W3C’s ethical web principles and should be expelled from the W3C as it relies on violating section 2.5 (The web must…respect people’s privacy).

Also, §2.2 (The web should not cause harm to society).

Ditto #Facebook, etc.

Meta thinks your #privacy is for sale.

Would you pay 160 euros per year to Facebook & Instagram for respecting your right to privacy?

Here's more info:…

#dataprotection #gdpr #consent #socialmedia #meta #facebook #instgram #whatsapp

  • Yes (4%, 18 votes)
  • No (95%, 376 votes)
394 voters. Poll end: 6 months ago

🚨#BREAKING: EU Bans Personalized Ads on #Facebook & #Instagram 💪

Or: How the small country of Norway has brought down Meta

1. Impose a fine of €90.000 per day on Meta for personalized ads. ✅

2. Make the fine temporary and call on EU orgs to check whether Meat violates the EU GDPR privacy protection rules. ✅

3. EU threatens with fines of up to 4% of #Meta's global turnover. ✅

More 👉…

BTW: #Tutanota comes with zero ads, but maximum privacy! 😎🥰

The EU bans Meta's use of personal data for behavioural advertising.

The European Data Protection Board said Wednesday it had adopted a binding decision that will ban Facebook and Instagram owner Meta from using the personal data of users for targeted advertisements.

Earlier this year Norway imposed a ban on sending Facebook and Instagram users targeted advertisements based on their personal data.…

#EU #Privacy #EDPB #Meta #Facebook #Instagram #Advertising

Mainstream social media and messaging apps (#Facebook, #WhatsApp, #Instagram etc) are a nightmare for our personal data and freedoms.

We have #FreeSoftware replacements for most of these services but maintaining these services has recurring cost and effort. is a community project supported by volunteers. We offer #diaspora, #matrix and #xmpp services.

If we don't find enough volunteers by October 31st, we will be forced to shut it down.

Please volunteer at

Norwegen greift durch – aufgrund anhaltender Verstöße gegen EU-Recht durch #Meta hat das Land ein dreimonatiges Verbot für personalisierte Werbung auf Facebook und Instagram erlassen. Das Verbot ist ein bedeutender Schritt, um besser zu verstehen und zu kontrollieren, wie Big Tech unsere persönlichen Daten nutzt. Hier könnt ihr mehr dazu erfahren:…

#datenschutz #bigtech #facebook #instagram

Deutsche Telekom: Die App »MeinMagenta« gibt ungefragt personenbezogene Daten an Facebook weiter, ohne Facebook/Meta in den Datenschutzhinweisen zu erwähnen. 👇

#Lesen -≥ #Teilen -> ❤…

#telekom #deutschetelekom #facebook #meta #dsgvo #ttdsg #datenschutz #datensendeverhalten


A program under which the NSA collects internet communications from various US companies such as #Google #facebook #twitter under the FISA Amendments Act of 2008 to turn over any data that match court-approved search terms.

2/4 🧵

FrauTux thematisiert in einem Gastbeitrag den möglichen Beitritt von Meta (Facebook) in das #Fediverse. Lesenswert und interessante Gedanken zum Thema. 👇…

#meta #facebook #socialmedia

oh, here's some JUICY rumored details about meta's plans for the fediverse

tl;dr "Meta will only federate with select larger instances from the beginning. There will be contracts which also provide for financial compensation for the instance owners."

can't entirely verify their validity but it's still worth posting just in case

#FediPact #barcelona #project92 #p92 #meta #facebook #fediverse #fediblockmeta #FediAdmin #MastoAdmin #threads

Huge win for privacy: Record fine against #Facebook thanks to Max Schrems & @noybeu! 🥳

#Meta must pay 1.2 billion euros for violating the EU #privacy regulation #GDPR. 👌

Read more: 👇…


Facebook made me an offer I could refuse.

People need to understand.

#Google isn't a search engine.
#Facebook isn't a journal to share with your friend.
#Instagram isn't a public photo album.
#Twitter isn't a micro-blogging website.

They are all advertisement companies.

»Facebook collects intimate customer data from over 100 European pharmacies«

Wenn man die DSGVO-Bußgelder korrekt und konsequent umgesetzt hätte, dann wäre Facebook heute vermutlich längst pleite. So schlittern wir aber von einem Datenskandal zum nächsten. 🤷‍♂️…

#facebook #datenschutz #privacy #teamdatenschutz #fail #gesundheitsdaten #tracker #tracking

The internet really does bring people together. Last year I got a message on a platform I hate (#facebook #messenger) and usually ignore, but something told me to check this one out, so I did. It ended up being worthwhile, as I collaborated with Andrew Nicholas (AKA Born 74) on a really cool #JazzFusion #EP for #Truethoughts coming out on Apr 13. Find out more here:…

L'outil #Mobilizon de l'association lyonnaise #Framasoft est une bonne alternative éthique aux événements #Facebook. Je suggère à celles et ceux qui voudraient organiser des mouvements de grève, des blocages et toutes sortes de manifestations contre la politique de notre gouvernement de s'en emparer sans attendre !

#logicielslibres #injustices
#reformedesretraites #liberté #egalite

Österreichs Datenschutzbehörde: #Facebook-Trackingdienste sind rechtswidrig…

Nach Google Analytics nun auch Facebook/Meta. Danke, @noybeu !

You have nothing to hide until the government suddenly declares your behaviour illegal. #abortion #usa #meta #facebook #google #e2ee #encryption

I feel like this is more of a "#Facebook problem" than a "me problem"

Stop making posts I would care about look the same as #ads. That's a design decision you can change, fuckers.

Why Would Anyone Use Another Centralized Social Media Service After This?… #news #protocolsnotplatforms #decentralized #platforms #protocols #facebook #mastodon #twitter #bluesky #nostr #meta

A leak from the European Data Protection Board reveals that the #EU's top #privacy regulator is about to overrule the Irish Data Protection Commission and declare #Facebook's business model illegal, banning surveillance-based #ads without explicit consent:…


Back to #Firefox I go! Multi-Account Containers are a killer #privacy feature that only Firefox (and maybe derivatives) has access to.…

There's some helper add-ons to further silo #Facebook, #Twitter, and #Google. (That said, I use my own containers for Google to split my accounts)




#Meta kapiert den #Datenschutz nicht

Der Konzern um #Facebook #Insta & Co. sammelt Kontaktdaten (#Handynummer #Mail Adresse) von Nicht(!)-Nutzern - ohne erkennbare #Rechtsgrundlage 👎

#Löschen lassen geht, aber Meta sagt: „In bestimmten Fällen müssen wir deine #Kontaktinformationen länger aufbewahren, einschließlich nach deiner Aufforderung an uns, sie zu löschen.“

No way! 🫣…

Meta has created a tool that lets you check if they’ve scraped your phone number or email address from someone else’s contacts list.

It also lets you remove and block your phone number or email from their database. It’s hidden away in one of their help articles:

Source: Business Insider (…)

#meta #facebook #privacy

@aral It’s fascinating that every time #Facebook is discovered to be doing something nasty, #TikTok seems to have found a way to come out even worse.

OnlyFans Bribed Meta [Facebook] to Put Thousands of Adult Entertainers on Terrorist Watch List, Lawsuits Allege…

Via @volt4ire

#facebook #meta #bigTech

🚨 :facebook: NEW: #Facebook is collecting ultrasensitive personal #data about #abortion seekers and enabling anti-abortion organizations to use that data as a tool to target and influence people online, in violation of its own policies and promises.

#privacy #surveillance #SurveillanceCapitalism #DeleteFacebook…

Facebook zasahuje

Kdyby vás někoho zajímalo, čím vším jde porušit "zásady komunity" na serveru #Facebook :)

Asi mám trochu jiný představy o saunování, než #Facebook :D
