
Items tagged with: google

De-google-ify Internet

Amazing campaign by the French not-for-profit association Framasoft.

The De-google-ify Internet project offers 26 ethical and alternative online tools that may be used by everyone.

They build open source alternatives to many Google services like Youtube, Agenda, Docs, Forms, Maps etc, as well other services to replace Doodle, Facebook Event, Github, Zoom, Slack and much more!

Check their beautiful website, watch the videos to know more about their work and follow them here in Mastodon:


#europe #opensource #europeanalternatives #EUtech #boycott #degoogle #google

Sensitive content

I just published a new #article about the implementation for the new Trusted Time API by #Google - "Trusted Time API Implementation"

#AndroidDev #Android #Medium #Articles #TrustedTimeApi #API…

First, they shut down the Basic HTML site, forcing many of us to switch to clients such as Thunderbird. Now, they're using qr codes which are not only inaccessible to the blind but also to those who don't use smartphones! This is ridiculous! Yes, they do still have the option to click whether it's you trying to sign in or not (which still requires a smartphone and a carrier, which they claim to be concerned about), but how long before they remove that, too?…

#accessibility #Android #authentication #blind #Google #GMail #IOS #Narrator #NVDA #sms #Talkback #technology #Voiceover #Windows

#Panoramax - das neue #StreetView!

Vor einigen Jahren wurde #Mapillary an #Meta verkauft. Und auch #Google StreetView möchte vielleicht nicht jeder nutzen.

Mit Panoramax gibt es nun eine #FOSS Alternative. Sie soll dezentral organisiert werden. Dies ist meines Wissens die erste Instanz:
Kleiner Tipp:
Falls man das AdOn #ClearURLs verwendet, kommt man eventuell über die Animation wegen Blockierung von ETags nicht hinaus. Deshalb nutze ich Panoramax als #Firefox-PWA am Desktop.

#OSM #OpenStreetMap

🤯 OMG! Someone just posted on Reddit bragging how he fed 13 MILLION records to Gemini to clean up. What records? "mostly dead scrambled data institutions, college, student records, course materials, research datasets. Used Gemini for cleaning, deduping, and organizing. Super useful for universities, EdTech, and students handling large study resources." #FERPA #Privacy #HigherEd #EdTech #Google #Gemini…

I bought a #Pixel 6a to finally switch to #GrapheneOS. You can get a used one for €120 and it still has 2.5 years of support.
Software-wise, so far so good. Even banking apps like #Revolut work without having to install anything from #Google. 👌

EFF: Google is on the Wrong Side of History

「 The fifth largest company in the world seems to have chosen to make the few extra bucks (relative to the company’s earnings and net worth) that will come from mass surveillance tools and AI-enhanced weapons systems 」…

#google #bigtech #uspol #ai #genocide

Wir alle hinterlassen online Fingerabdrücke doch Google ist extrem was es sammelt – lest den Artikel:

»Digitaler Fingerabdruck – Google hat eine neue Ära des Trackings eingeleitet, die schlimmer ist als Cookie-Banner:
Da Google Ihnen die Möglichkeit gibt, das Cookie-Tracking abzulehnen, beginnt es stillschweigend, Ihre Online-Gewohnheiten mit Fingerabdrücken zu erfassen.«
– von @Tutanota


#google #fingerprinting #privatsphare #datenschutz #daten #spionage #tracking

Please consider hosting videos on other places than just #YouTube.

#Google is making it increasingly difficult to view their videos in ways that don't make you choke on their surveillance, ads and cookies. I will *never* load a video directly from YouTube, and I know I'm not the only one.

Please consider posting them on #PeerTube and sync that to YT for the people who still don't understand how evil Google is.


wo, i just received an email from google gemini, and i'm excited about it! seems like they are releasing a new feature called Gemini Live1! another AI feature that can help improve the lives of blind people.

"Google is starting to roll out updates to Gemini to make your conversations even more dynamic and engaging.

Gemini Live1 is a more natural way to have free-flowing voice conversations with Gemini on your phone. With our latest model, Live can better understand multiple languages, dialects, or accents in a single Live chat and help with your translation needs. In the coming months, we’ll also bring screen sharing and live video streaming capabilities to Live.

Your data is processed per the Gemini Apps Privacy Notice. As part of providing
this improved experience, your audio, video, and screenshares are stored in your
Gemini Apps Activity (if it’s on). Your data in Gemini Apps Activity is deleted per your
auto-delete period in that setting, and you can manage and delete your Gemini Apps
activity anytime. Learn more in the Gemini Apps Privacy Hub.

Thanks for using Gemini.
The Gemini Team

© 2025 Google Ireland Ltd
Gordon House, Barrow Street,
Dublin 4, Ireland.
1 Check responses for accuracy. Compatible with certain features and accounts. Internet connection required.
Available on select devices and in select countries, languages, and to users 18+.
You have received this mandatory service announcement to update you about important changes to Gemini."

#Blind #AI #Google #Gemini #GeminiLive1 #Tech

Google have apparently automated getting rid of negative reviews resulting from their decision to rename the Gulf of Mexico. The only sensible thing to do is to try to stop using the products of billionaire owned American companies, who are *all* demonstrating that they were willing to at the very least bend for fascists, if not actively support fascism.

This came up as part of my continuing process of removing everything which benefits American billionaires from my phone.

I'm now using #organicMaps instead on my phone. It's about 1000 times faster because it doesn't waste time in continuously trying to show you ads.

#GulfOfMexico #google #BillionaireTaxDodgers #OligarchUSA #DeGooglization #DeAmericanisation

🗺️ As many people are angry with #Google & asking for alternatives to #GoogleMaps, here are some Free & #OpenSource options:

📱 App
🌐 Web

Not Open Source:

#FCKGoogle #Alternative #Apps #App #Web #Software #News #Tech #Maps #Map #Technology #it

Stop using #Google, cubs. Transition looks harder than it really is because we are creatures of habit, but there are better pastures beyond.

I myself have a @Tutanota subscription and use it for #email, calendar, and contacts (all three things you get on the email app). Very happy with how it works and how the contacts integrate with iPhone.

Check out these European alternatives ✨…

#tech #EuropeanAlternatives…

Warning to canadian #Amateur#Radio Operators: If you're a #ham in #Canada, Mark Bramwell,, operator of the website, has placed the entire Industry Canada database of ham callsigns on his website, in a way publicly indexable by Google. While this data can be downloaded and searched at Industry Canada's website, at, and via RAC (Radio Amateurs of Canada), none of those websites make your full name and address available to #Google's search index. They all require a login or prevent indexing. However, while Foxhollow claims it needs verification, the website owner has done nothing to prevent Google from crawling his website. For example, searching for "VA3SEP" in quotes reveals my full address as results 2 and 3, as Google is allowed to crawl this page without verification. Unfortunately, Bramwell has decided not to offer any public means of contacting him on his website.

You remember #Apple scanning all images on your #mobile device?

If you have an #Android #phone, a new app that doesn't appear in your menu has been automatically and silently installed (or soon will be) by #Google. It is called #AndroidSystemSafetyCore and does exactly the same - scan all images on your device as well as all incoming ones (via messaging). The new spin is that it does so "to protect your #privacy".

You can uninstall this app safely via System -> Apps.…

I'm trying to publish MapComplete as Android app in the #Google #Play Store (yeah, I know; and we'll publish in FDroid too).

But: google doesn't want to accept my identity, even though I sent them (a scan of) my identity card. Any idea what they expect and what works?

Häufig erreichte mich die Frage, ob der Beitrag zu Gmail noch zutrifft – und die Antwort lautet: Ja! Google, beziehungsweise Gmail, liest weiterhin eure E-Mails. Das betrifft nicht nur eure eigenen Nachrichten, sondern auch E-Mails von Absendern, die selbst kein Gmail-Konto haben, aber an eine Gmail-Adresse senden. 👇…

#gmail #google #surveillance #mail #email #datenschutz #teamdatenschutz

***** Panic at Google over Gulf of Mexico and Trump! *****

Report: In panic, #Google management issued P0 (top priority) order for Gulf of Mexico change.

Apparently Google management issued a P0 -- quite rare -- ordering geo employees to drop EVERYTHING else and do it immediately! -- for the change from "Gulf of Mexico" to "Gulf of America" for U.S. users. They were also ordered to move the status of the U.S. to "sensitive" where it joins countries like Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Iraq that demand the use of names not used elsewhere in the world.

I can't emphasize enough how telling it is that a P0 was issued. To me, it suggests absolute panic in the C-suite.


Anyone here witnessed/seen hour+ unskippable ads on #YouTube? Yes, you read that right. Supposedly, Google is only showing this to some users it suspects of using an adblocker.

We all know how #Google has become increasingly hostile towards adblocking technologies in the last couple years… but if this is true - and not some sort of bug - geez… doesn’t help they neither confirm or deny it in the news sources I’ve seen.…

***** Google Gemini Gmail WARNING *****

Damned #Google is now pushing their invasive AI crap Gemini onto the Desktop version of #Gmail, with no apparent way for individual users to disable it (Admins for commercial users apparently do have a toggle). The Gemini sucker icon appears as a four-pointed "sprite" next to the settings gear. If you hover on it, you'll see a "Try Gemini" tooltip. DO NOT CLICK ON IT, unless you want Google's horrific lying, fascism-ridden misinformation machine sucking up your emails.

NOTE: Again, there is no apparent way for individual user to disable this. The sprite appears even if you have all Gmail "Smart" features disabled.

This is Google blatantly trying to force this garbage on users who have no idea what it is and how much damage it can do to them, presumably as a first step toward pushing their "AI Agents" to take control of your browsing. Of course, if this is your kink, go ahead and chain yourself to Gemini. But you've been warned.

Earlier today, Google rejected a feature request asking for the option to use DNS-over-HTTPS servers other than Google’s and Cloudflare’s in Android:…

According to Google’s own testing, DoH is more private, secure, and performant than DoT on Android. There is no reason whatsoever to limit it to a handful of Google-approved servers.

Just like with Manifest V3 in Chrome, this arbitrary restriction on what DNS servers can use the most modern technologies in Android is a clear example of Google abusing their position to campaign against blocking invasive trackers. One of the clearest uses for custom DNS servers is the ability to block privacy-invasive services like Google’s at the DNS level.

Further details & discussion on our forum:…

#android #google #privacy #dns

We would also like to #welcome all people joining us today! If you are switching over from #Twitter, #X, #Facebook, #Instagram: welcome into a truly federated social network.

While you've made the switch, consider also moving away from that other big corporation named #Google: a great alternative is #OpenStreetMap . There are many apps (such as @organicmaps or #osmand)

There are also a lot of maps about a specific topic. You can find a collection of them on

Ryan Chenkie:

Developers, please be careful when installing Homebrew. Google is serving sponsored links to a Homebrew site clone that has a cURL command to malware. The URL for this site is one letter different than the official site.

Note: Google allows the ad sponsors to specify an URL that will be displayed on the ad (original here), but the click takes you to the malware domain

#Apple #HomeBrew #Google #MacOS

#Google Starts Tracking All Your Devices In 6 Weeks—Forget Chrome And #Android

Long story short is that Google has made updates to its advertising ecosystem essentially _permitting_ the fingerprinting of devices for use in targeted advertising. In their words they are going to be “less prescriptive with partners in how they target and measure ads.”

Doesn’t mean fingerprinting wasn’t happening before, just that Google is giving the green signal to the rest of the ecosystem to do so… and will likely use this to maybe replace third-party cookies.

Use an adblocker. Seriously.

#privacy #ads #privacymatters #useadblockers…

Search for “Google Slides” & you may see that the first image they select for one of their flagship office softwares is... Someone’s SEO-cash-grab “custom product” spam. Plastic slippers with the Google slides icon on them? Google’s own intellectual property is being parasitized here. What chance do independent artists stand? Google doesn’t care, as long as they are paid by search spammers who, in turn, somehow think this will make money. #search #searchCrisis #AISlop #google #ai #sloppocalypse

Billions spent on AI, and this is the sort of garbage we get! #Google

❌ Stop #Google Calendar having access to your and your family's data! ❌

Tuta Calendar lets you and your family stay organized in true privacy with post-quantum encryption.

Share, plan, and organize your family's calendar privately with Tuta ❤🔐…

#familycalendar #tutacalendar #PostQuantumCryptography #degoogle

In 2024 #Google forced users to choose between #Chrome and #uBlockOrigin

Most chose the latter because finally everyone understands it's time to quit Google. 😎

Here are our favorite browser alternatives:

Which one did you pick?

🦊 Firefox
🦆 DuckDuckGo
🕵️ Tor Browser
Pale Moon
GNU IceCat

A public sector funding initiative should pick up #Mozilla #Firefox and drive it as a community browser indepedent of #Google funding.

A browser is by far the single most impactful gateway to computing resources for people nowadays. (Right after a mobile OS.)

It must not be allowed to fail.…

#OpenSource #OpenWeb #PublicSector #PublicMoneyPublicCode

Repeat offenders drive bulk of tech support scams via #Google #Ads

"Search engines, and Google’s in particular, are our gateway to the web. Yet, that door sometimes opens up to unsavory places thanks to sponsored search results, AKA ads."

This is part of the reason I recommend using an #adblocker (whether in browser, on device, or network-based.)

#cybersecurity #scams #security #privacy…