De-google-ify Internet
Amazing campaign by the French not-for-profit association Framasoft.
The De-google-ify Internet project offers 26 ethical and alternative online tools that may be used by everyone.
They build open source alternatives to many Google services like Youtube, Agenda, Docs, Forms, Maps etc, as well other services to replace Doodle, Facebook Event, Github, Zoom, Slack and much more!
Check their beautiful website, watch the videos to know more about their work and follow them here in Mastodon:
#europe #opensource #europeanalternatives #EUtech #boycott #degoogle #google
Dégooglisons Internet - Accueil
Les géants du web centralisent nos vies numériques en échange de leurs services Les communautés du logiciel libre offrent des services alternatifs éthiques Le réseau Framasoft souhaite le démontreren les hé