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Items tagged with: google

Werft mal einen Blick auf die Messenger-Matrix. Trotz aller Bemühungen kann es sein, dass nicht alle Informationen zu den Messengern aktuell sind. In diesem Fall bitte ich um Rückmeldung, damit ich die Matrix anpassen kann. ❤️ 👇…


#briar #conversations #xmpp #deltachat #discord #element #matrix #facebook #google #imessage #jami #line #session #signal #simplex #siskin #skype #telegram #teleguard #threema #viber #whatsapp #wire

One irony of letting companies like Google run their spyware through our websites for "analytics" is how useless most of the information is to small/medium website owners.

Oh, 3% of my visitors are from Poland, and 8% use Firefox? Uh, OK, great insights … I guess. 🤷‍♂️

OTOH, that information is valuable to Google, because they can aggregate it with lots of other surveillance data for digital fingerprinting, etc.

We've been duped.

#analytics #privacy #webdev #Google

I mantain a couple of #Android applications both on @fdroidorg and #google #playstore . Now Play Store asks me a document (personal ID card) to verify my account, otherwise it will be closed in October.
I don’t feel I should disclose #personaldata to a giant like Google, so I’m considering migrating my users to #F-Droid. How should I do it? There's already other people doing this? There's any material (e.g. a webpage) to point my users at that explains why and how they should install #fdroid and reinstall my apps from there?

#gafam #opensource #mobile #mobileapps

In my last Italian blog post talking about #Google I suggested your service @Tutanota a service I purchased proudly 🙂 I'm planning to write a specific post in English to talk about Tuta.…

After some discussion about Sign In with #Google pop-ups. Am I right that they actually violate #WCAG? I'll need to find this criterion, but I'm pretty sure there was something about intrusive pop-ups. #Accessibility

I'm in the process of moving to #ServaRICA. They're in #Montreal, but still have excellent connectivity to #Ottawa. If you're wondering why I moved from one provider you've never heard of to another provider you've never heard of: I insist on hosting in #Canada, and I refuse to host with big teck like #Google or #Amazon. I don't know the guys at ServaRICA, but...they seem...fine I guess. Then again, I was thrilled with #accuris for years. So I dunno.

Those "Sign in with Google" pop-ups on every second website really start driving me nuts. #Google

***** Where AI excels *****

Obviously, to anyone familiar with my missives on these topics, I am extraordinarily critical of generative AI systems. I won't bend your ear (or eyes) with the details in this message. My stance on this is clear enough.

BUT, I do want to emphasize that my concerns are almost entirely with generative AI, not with AI in general.

First: I don't worry about "evil AI systems" taking over the world or exterminating humanity. Great sci-fi plots though. The most evil AI in film I know of is the computer from "The Invisible Boy" (1957). I mean, that is one really, really nasty AI, who turns Robby the Robot into his slave. Jeez. But these are fantasies.

One sector where AI really excels is in analysis of patterns. Medical diagnostics. Speech recognition. A long list where these machine learning systems are just vastly better than humans at dealing with masses of data and extracting key insights from them. Sidenote: I really enjoy watching the #Google speech recognition system at work, as it quickly corrects, capitalizes, and in other ways "homes in" on utterances as your continuing speech provides more context. I'm pretty constantly amazed at how it picks up on what I would consider to be subtle cues.

In any case, the distinction between this kind of AI and generative AI is not made frequently enough or clearly enough by the mass media at least, with so much attention on generative AI these days.

And it's a very important distinction to keep in mind.


If you run any service, you should try to use it without #google from time to time.

Just log out from Google for a week and observe how your service works. Maybe you realize, that you prepared a nightmare service for ungoogled customers.

***** Controlling AI scraping *****

Cloudflare's plan to give its users ways to block and/or monetize AI scraping is interesting, but of course there are ethical and other reasons to avoid using Cloudflare, since they continue to support some of the most disreputable sites on the Net.

This does however suggest the concept of an open source mechanism to provide the same sorts of features broadly (e.g., in conjunction with Apache servers) to any sites, anywhere. This could be paired with a system to keep sites updated about discovered source IP addresses of AI scrapers that are not adhering to robots.txt directives. Sidenote: #Google announced an effort to expand robots.txt to better deal with AI scraping issues, a concept I had already earlier suggested. I signed up for this, but never heard another word about it since the earliest days.

Time to get serious about controlling AI scraping.

Tagesschau-App: Wie Google über die Google-Cloud Daten über dein Leseverhalten sammeln kann und welche datenschutzrechtlichen Fragen/Probleme damit verbunden sind. 👇…


#ard #tagesschau #google #android #datenschutz #tracking #dsgvo #tdddg

Does #Google own the web? 👀

Biggest US antitrust lawsuit ever must break the tech giant’s monopoly.👇👇👇…

What alternative Google products do you recommend to your loved ones? Let us know in the comments!

#privacymatters #privacy #monopoly

#Google claims to be an advertising company, but in the Czech republic their ads are FRAUD. It is bizarre to me that one of the largest companies in the word doesn't conduct legitimate business and instead is happy to defraud people through blatant lies. Reporting these ads does nothing.

The screenshot is of a "free electricity" fraudulent ad on #youtube. Shame on you google.

Google has wreaked havoc with TalkBack 15.0. When the Gemini description feature is enabled, you can't have access to offline text extraction. And under this circumstance, if your Internet connection is weak or lost for whatever reason, you won't have access to any sort of image description or text extraction at all. Moreover, even if Gemini description is disabled, labels for unlabeled icons are read with a 2 or 3-second delay whereas they were announced instantly with TalkBack 14.2 and 14.1. And on my S24 Ultra, if I disable Gemini description, local/offline text extraction oftentimes fails. That is, TalkBack reports the recognition accuracy, but doesn't announce or read the extracted text at all. Is Google aware of all of these? I don't know. Who makes these stupid decisions at Google? I don't know. Does beta-testing play a meaningful role in TalkBack development? Not sure.
#Accessibility #Android #Google

❓Have you started de-googling your life?

✅ If so - are you using any of these awesome Google alternatives?

🤔 New to the concept? Read here -…

#Google #Googlefree #DitchGoogle #PrivacyMatters #DeGoogle

🚨 Ever spoken about something and the next minute you're getting an advert about it on your smartphone? Almost like your phone is listening..

Well, evidence claims that Meta, Microsoft, Google and Amazon could all be listening!

For more details 👉 👉…

#Meta #Amazon #Microsoft #Google #CMG #CMGpitch #Bigtech #Activelistening

Can someone please recommend me a #search #engine that is not
* #Google (Ew google)
* #Duckduckgo (Keeps saying there were no results for my searches despite having the little information box to the right for the exact search)
* #Bing (I'd use bing if it wasn't crammed to death with CoPiLoT)
* #Brave (Ew, brave)
* #Ecosia (Its alright, but its just... slow. And gives kinda crap results)
* #Startpage (I just don't like it)
* #SearxNG (Slow, ugly, and useless)

I will probably update this list as I remember/am reminded about search engines that I've already tried and don't like.


According to the "Terminator" film franchise, TODAY is the day that Skynet became self-aware, took over, and started its campaign to destroy humanity. The good news is that instead we have garbage like #Google Gemini that can't even answer questions like "When was Kamala Harris born?"

So we're probably safe from Skynet for now.

🪦The Dying Web | Matthias Endler

「 the world's largest websites are owned by the same company, which also owns the world's most popular browser and search engine. Coincidentally, they are also the world's largest advertising company. And people are wondering why they can't block ads on YouTube anymore 」
#google #monopoly #firefox #chromium

Google is headed to trial after allegedly misleading Chrome users on data collection. 🧑‍⚖️

This is the most recent in a growing list of court proceedings.

What was your most startling discovery about Google's data collection? Let us know below!

#google #encryption #privacy #data

Mr @icing found a HTTP/2 bug in the #Google frontend webserver.…

When you search for "identita občana" (Citizen Identity, ID for the Czech e-government), the first link #Google gives you (as an ad) is to a malicious website.

I wonder if companies like Google will ever be held accountable for spreading dangerous scams and getting paid for it.

#CyberSecurity #Search

Okay, so I just have to rant a little. So Apple has been doing some pretty shitty stuff regarding developers and money lately. They act like they're above the law. And sure, they'll gladly follow it for Russia and other places where they're asked to take apps like VPN's off the App Store. But in the EU where they're being asked to open some stuff up and give developers and users freedom? They just continue to kick and scream all the way. And I sit here, with a Pixel 8, one of the newest, supposedly best phones there is, and I hate using it. I love my years old iPhone SE 2020, much more than a year old slightly high end phone. And yep, it's all about accessibility for me. And y'all know I'll change my mind when I'm presented with something better. I mean, I sit at work all day and use Linux and barely even notice anymore. But give me an Android, and TalkBack drives me crazy.

Like, we have Braille Screen Input on Android. We even have reading and selection commands on the TalkBack Braille Keyboard. But when you go to use it, you always have to turn the phone to where the USB C port is facing left. Now, I know, that's not terrible, but it's something that turns me off a lot. And I've told Google accessibility, and I've talked about it ever since it came out, but it's still how things work. And it just slows me down. It's pointless, and they could easily just flip it around.

Now, there is an option to flip the *dots* of the Braille Keyboard, but that doesn't flip the commands. So, when you swipe right for a space, it actually backspaces.

Now, I do need to give Commentary Screen reader more of a chance, and see if they have an extention that'll send a screenshot to AI to be described. And if they don't, I'm sure there's an HPPT client for LUA, so one can be scripted I'm sure. But Commentary doesn't even *have* Braille support.

Meh, everything is a mess. And here I am about to give Apple yet more money in a month, because I do want a new phone, and I don't feel like getting a new Samsung, just to be disappointed. Again. With Android.

#apple #iOS #Android #Google #accessibility #blind

Reason might be simpler then you could possible imagine, in my humble subjective opinion: Google PlayStore is explicitly for tracking the user and with in-app purchases to squeeze every little money out of there is.

Your own App don't do anything of the above mentioned malicious capitalism and anti user friendly behavior. 😉

#Google #PlayStore

Takže, v paralelnom vesmírne Erica Schmidta, môže za zaostávanie Googlu na poli AI rozhodnutie, že ľudia môžu pracovať z domu.

Takéto vyhlásenia sú zlé na tak veľa úrovniach, ako to je len možné a vedia ma dostať do vývrtky. Áno, než som toto napísal, musel som si napočítať do desať, opakovane, ináč by som sa znížil iba k jednoslovnému vulgarizmu.

Pracujem z domu viac než dekádu, coachoval som viacero kolegov a známych, ktorí behom toho obdobia (už aj pred pandémiou) postupne prechádzali na remote work. Sám som za tú dobu vystriedal množstvo interných pozícii smerom hore, či dokonca prešiel úžasným (externým) kariérnym skokom, takže smelo predpokladám, že som biznisu odovzdával nadpriemernú hodnotu.
Taktiež môžem povedať, že som týmto veľa získal v osobnom živote - týždenne ušetrené hodiny času, môcť vidieť, v priamom prenose, svoje deti vyrastať, flexibilita na starosti denného života... Je to na nezaplatenie a je to win-win.

Iste, nie je to pre každého, iste, sú aj ľudia, ktorí budú mať tendenciu takúto príležitosť zneužívať, alebo ju iba jednoducho a ľudsky nezvládnu. Adresovať tieto nástrahy je však úlohou managementu. A kto vedie management? Leadership!

Takže, ak Eric tvrdí niečo takéto, treba pozorne počúvať. Síce to znie ako, boli sme ňuňu dobrí na ľudí, a preto zaostávame, ale v skutočnosti tým hovorí - sme naprd leadri, s mizerným managementom, ktorí nezvládli svoju základnú úlohu - efektívne riadiť ľudí.

Ono, je tu však ešte tretia, najpravdepodobnejšie (uvidíme) možnosť: nedarí sa, spálilo sa mrte prachov bez adekvátneho vysledku, treba nájsť vinníka a ideálne zmienku ako zoštíhliť firmu, teda vyhodiť pár ľudí... ale keďže sme už ňuňu dobrí, my nikoho vyhadzovať nebudeme, my iba všetkým prikážeme návrat do office a oni odídu dobrovoľne... Rád by som sa mýlil, ale za posledný rok som takýchto pribehov videl už niekoľko.
Je tu však háčik - takýmto spôsobom sa firma zbaví predovšetkým tých šikovnejších, tých ktorí sú si vedomí svojich schopností aj pridanej hodnoty, bez toho aby strávili život v openspace... A viete čo - dobre im tak!

#ustrelilomidekel #somsaopustil #homeoffice #ericschmidt #google #alphabet

From: @zachklipp…

Asked to describe what I view as the situation at #Google these days, in one short sentence: "The joy is gone."

That's not the point, though: if we don't want to use them, why do we have to confirm the TOS? And if there are app updates, where do they come from if we didn't connect any Google account? Actually, I even had most of the Google Apps disabled, including PlayStore. Which btw already consumed 20 MB storage (cache and data) without having been used at all.

Well, I DO know why I've cut my ties to that eco-system about 10 years ago…

#Google #Android #privacy

I've just had to setup a brand new device shipping with #Android 14. Model doesn't matter, nor for whom it was. It's bee long ago I had to set up a Google-Android device – so I didn't remember what I've "missed" </s>.

For #privacy: "Without #Google, please!" – Yes, fine. But even if you have a matching CustomROM (Calyx, Divest, LOS, whichever) available: in order to flash that, you first have to "OEM unlock". For that, we have to start up Google-Android at least once.


“Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly,” - says US judge.

#Google paid billions to keep its #monopoly, but must stop now! 💰

Learn more 👉…

#Antitrust #searchengine

BBC news:…

"Google snažil uzavřít dohody s mobilními operátory, aby získal silné výchozí pozice ve smartphonech a ovládl v nich vyhledávání. Tvrdí také, že #Google platil deset miliard dolarů ročně bezdrátovým společnostem, jako je AT&T, výrobcům zařízení, jako je Apple, a výrobcům prohlížečů, jako je #mozilla aby se zbavil konkurentů a udržel si podíl na trhu s vyhledávači."

Jestli to projedou tak to možná bude poslední hřebíček do rakve pro #firefox :D

Tip for #android users:

If you search for simple utility apps on #google's play store it will almost always give you a bunch of options that contain ads or ask for unnecessary permissions.

F-Droid is an alternative app store for android devices which exclusively lists apps published under the AGPL (a #copyleft / free-software / open-source license). It's possible to install F-Droid on a normal Android OS via its APK, but that can be intimidating.

Most of the apps on F-Droid are *also* available on the play store. So, even if you aren't ready to fully switch out of Google's ecosystem, you can still use F-Droid's search as a better way to find options that are (in my experience) free of ads and surveillance.

Each app features a page which links to their source code, which usually has a README file, which usually points to their page on the play store.

I wish there was a decent Google maps replacement. Not just for navigation--that's fairly simple--but rather for local SEARCH. How else are you supposed to search for stuff nearby? Yelp is the only alternative I even know of and it's terrible. Nextdoor is arguably a contender but it's even worse. Nothing community driven whatsoever that I'm aware of...

#Google #degoogle #maps

Reply to Google Now Defaults to Not Indexing Your Content by Vincent Schmalbach

Selectivity is long overdue. Marginalia, Stract, and Teclis feel like a breath of fresh air for broad short-tail queries because they downrank or skip pages full of ads, trackers, scripts, and even SEO. However, Google’s selectivity can’t penalise such criteria as that would conflict with its ad business.

Google has a bias against new sites. This makes sense, given their spam potential. I disagree with your argument that a bias against new sites is a pivot away from Experience, Expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (EEAT): it takes time for a website to become an authority and earn trust. If delayed indexing of new sites is wrong, then the problem lies with EEAT. I argue that EEAT is a good framework for an answer-focused engine, but a bad framework for a discovery- or surfing-focused engine like Marginalia or Wiby, respectively.

Originally posted on See Original (POSSE). #Google #SearchEngines

Leute, wenn ihr eure Privatsphäre wenigstens ein bisschen schützen wollt, dann benutzt Werbe- und Trackingblocker [3]. Gegen solche Szenarien wie »Databroker Files« [2] kann man sich schon relativ einfach schützen. [1] 👇


#tracking #dsgvo #advertisingid #google #apple #android #ios

»Firma verschleudert 3,6 Milliarden Standorte von Menschen in Deutschland«. Seit Jahren erwähne ich in fast jedem Artikel, in dem es um Tracking und Android-Apps geht, dass die Google Advertising-ID ein personenbeziehbares Datum ist. Dies wurde nun erneut eindrucksvoll bewiesen. 👇

Weg aus der Misere: Verwendet googlefreie Systeme wie #GrapheneOS und nutzt Werbe- und Trackingblocker.……

#tracking #dsgvo #advertisingid #google #apple #android #ios

Computer hardware maker #Zotac exposed customers' RMA info on Google Search

Misconfiguration of permissions folders holding customer info related to RMAs have been indexed by search engines like #Google. As a result, it has shown up on SERPs.

Information leaked includes invoices, addresses, and contact information.

Fun fact: Security Misconfiguration is number 6 on the OWASP Top 10 Web app Security Risks.

#databreach #security #cybersecurity…

🔥🚨 #AI energy consumption keeps rising so #Google drops claims of being carbon neutral.

At Tuta we are committed to making the web better, more #sustainable and more #private! 💪


👉 Read full story here:…