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🚨#BREAKING: EU Bans Personalized Ads on #Facebook & #Instagram 💪

Or: How the small country of Norway has brought down Meta

1. Impose a fine of €90.000 per day on Meta for personalized ads. ✅

2. Make the fine temporary and call on EU orgs to check whether Meat violates the EU GDPR privacy protection rules. ✅

3. EU threatens with fines of up to 4% of #Meta's global turnover. ✅

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BTW: #Tutanota comes with zero ads, but maximum privacy! 😎🥰

in reply to Tuta

wondering if this will also affect Switzerland… I bet we’ll get all the ads UE rejects. cc @fcharlet ^^
in reply to Tuta

would be nice and just is this doesn’t stop at Facebook & co, but to all parties currently serving targeted ads …
in reply to Tuta

a decision between personalized ads and a 10€ subscription is not a ban
in reply to Tuta

, btw how Norway can fine fb for inappropriate behavior whereas the other countries can’t or don’t want? How this is possible?

I think that will be better all and from everywhere to fine massively privacy invading adds or other personal/ private disclosure hidden and blurry stuff and piece of shits.