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I've been playing with #ChatGPT a lot since it came out on November 30th. A few days ago, I decided to have a bit of a conversation with it about the threat it might pose to the future of digital #accessibility.

The resulting conversation surprised me beyond anything I could ever imagine. Why don't you take a look? :)
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in reply to Denis Boudreau

Thanks for sharing this. I do feel though that the answers you received were fed to the machine by nice humans who certainly understand the trends of present times. I felt like I was at the university lecture on #accessibility and not an honest conversation! Good try though! :)
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 lol yes, fair enough. It was surprisingly nice, positive, and thoughtful. But then again, if AI is just out to kill us, I’d expect it to be as sneaky and deceiving as it possibly can be. Other conversations will follow, no doubt. :)