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Want free LibreOffice stickers? Just tell us how much you love the software, with the #LibreOffice hashtag, and you can claim a sticker pack at the end of the month! 😊 More info here:… #foss #opensource
in reply to LibreOffice

m'agrada tant el programari lliure que m'he barallat (professionalment) més d'una vegada per haver-lo instal·lat a tots els ordinadors del centre [1] quan el problema només era que enlloc de l'ofis de M$ hi havia #LibreOffice instal·lat, ja que la resta (bàsicament navegar per l'internet) no era cap problema... quins records em venen al cap; tot siga per tenir un paquet d'enganxines de #LibreOffice a final de mes ;)


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@theendismeh No – we're a worldwide project and community! 😊 (The Document Foundation, the non-profit entity behind LibreOffice, is registered in Berlin.)
in reply to LibreOffice

I have been using #LibreOffice for years and it only gets better and better and better. I don't ever plan to switch to another "word processor" (Yeah I'm old, that's what I call it lol)
in reply to Clinton Anderson SwordForHire

@ClintonAnderson Thanks! And there's nothing wrong with calling the Writer component of LibreOffice a word processor, of course 😉
in reply to Clinton Anderson SwordForHire

@ClintonAnderson LibreOffice is the whole package 😉 Which is comprised of LibreOffice Writer, LibreOffice Calc, LibreOffice Impress etc...
in reply to LibreOffice

#libreoffice: Where it is better: Calc remembers Clipboard content even if you do something on the sheet between copying the cell content and pasting it. Excel does not do that, the clipboard content is gone. Annoys me every time I have to use Excel.
in reply to LibreOffice

doing everything to replace Google, Microsoft etc with Foss alternatives and Libreoffice is definetely the biggest one ! Thankss #LibreOffice
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to LibreOffice

I appreciate that I can use #LibreOffice without constraints while I'm between jobs and therefore between work-purchased software ecosystems. And every other time, of course, but especially now!
in reply to LibreOffice

I love #libreoffice for its solver in libreoffice calc. I find it superior to the one excel ships with.

Also the csv import wizard doesn't screw up numbers with dates like excel.

in reply to LibreOffice

#LibreOffice it is nice to always know that budget and privacy don't have to be limitations of interoperability with the world of business documents
in reply to LibreOffice

love the csv-import, much better than excels kind of import. formula editing and syntax (comparing to #LaTex​) bit confusing and not that intuitive; would love to see better integration, but works very well. Thanks!
This entry was edited (4 months ago)