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🤢 Wow, someone raised request for an optional tab indentation support for accessibility on Blac, a popular formatter for #Python. They closed the issue and said "No, tabs for indentation are the devil. Making this configurable would go against Black's philosophy." #accessibility #indentation…
in reply to Chi Kim

No and locked. Fuck this company. hope they fail.
in reply to Chi Kim

Sorry, why do some people not like tabs, and spaces instead? I can't say I hate spaces, but I certainly quite like despise them! :)
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 Maybe bc money? ROFL According to Stack Overflow 2017 Developer Survey, "Coders who use spaces for indentation make more money than ones who use tabs, even if they have the same amount of experience. the median developer who uses spaces had a salary of $59,140, while the median tabs developer had a salary of $43,750. The model estimated that using spaces instead of tabs is associated with an 8.6% higher salary (confidence interval (6%, 10.4%), p-value < 10^-10)."…
in reply to Chi Kim

I'm perplexed. I had to share this article as a separate post. I simply cannot believe it! :) ROFL
in reply to Chi Kim

HAHA, unfortunately at work most people already use spaces! :) ,
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 Ah, that makes sense since Googlers probably make more than average. lol
in reply to Chi Kim

@pete I know. More than anything, I'm just calling out the dev saying the accessibility request the devil.
in reply to Chi Kim


You're calling out a guy who is already putting in his time, for free, because he's rejecting a feature request that you think is very important.

If there's a feature you want there's nothing stopping you (or anyone else) from making a fork and adding this feature. That's how open source works.

Or you could just use something else.

in reply to Alfonso Urdaneta

@aeu @pete There's already fork with the feature. Are you saying no one should calling out someone spreading ablism just because it's free and opensource? Open source community is not justification for descrimination sexism, racism, ageism, etc.