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#Google pays 1150 times its entire #lobbying budget in the EU & US to fund its search engine #monopoly.😳

And if that wasn't bad enough, now they're accused of slowing down #YouTube on non-Chrome Browsers like #Firefox! 🤬

Does Google know any shame? Apparently not. 🤡

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Tuta

slowly weaning myself off every Google product I use because I know where this is going (thanks to Cory Doctorow)
in reply to Tuta

slight clarification, alphabet co is slowding down browsers with ad blockers, although inaccurate on that.
in reply to Tuta

well, we know why they removed the "Don't be evil" motto, don't we?
in reply to Tuta

they are also playing very dirty in affirming their Google shopping over any other price comparison website. Legal proceedings in the EU have been going on for years, now it would appear like Google is throttling traffic to that kind of websites. They've all dropped in visibility over the last few weeks. 🙄