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I have a question for people who work in accessibility and design:

Can anyone recommend evidence-based sources on how well Comic Sans does or doesn't work for people with dyslexia?

- I don't need anecdotes, opinions, or big feelings about fonts.
- I'm just looking for evidence-based studies.

I've seen strong, contradictory opinions & a lot of received wisdom about this. That's why I'm looking for actual evidence either way. Thank you!

#Accessibility #AccessibleDesign #Design #A11y #ComicSans

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Shaula Evans

Related question: I'm familiar with Atkinson Hyperlegible. the Braille Institute Free Font (link at the bottom.

If accessibility-oriented fonts make a difference for you as a reader (for dyslexia, low vision, visual processing, or any other reason), I would love to know what accessible fonts you personally like best and why.

*This is question for people who rely on accessible fonts only. No replies from others, please. Thank you!

#Accessibility #A11y #Fonts