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Items tagged with: design

While my inner clock says Thursday, turns out it's Sketch Friday already!

#sketch #gnome #icon #design #procreate

LibreOffice's #Design community did lots of UI and #UX work last year! Including major improvement to the suite's dark mode:… #foss #OpenSource

Pretty neat! If you're on (or another server running the latest in-development version of Mastodon), you can go to the Explore page eg. and view posts that discuss trending news articles (see the "X posts" below the headline link).


#mastodon #SocialMedia #news #design #UXUI

(Also) In an alternative universe, Susan Kare designed some GNOME icons.

Senile old man update: She did in fact work on GNOME icons.

#pixelart #gnome #design #wallpaper #pixaki #gegl #wanda #patch #tux #footfetish

#Frage an deutschsprachige #FireFish Nutzer:

Die Beitrag teilen Schaltfläche verdeckt teilweise das Eingabefeld bei neuen #Posts mit mobilen Geräten. schlägt vor, den Text zu kürzen.

Was meint Ihr wenn das geändert würde auf Senden?

Oder habt ihr einen besseren Vorschlag?

Würde nächste Woche versuchen die Übersetzung anzupassen.


If you ever played interactive fiction or muds, what was frustrating about your experience? For example too much to type, too long intro, overwhelming map, because you could go in 14 different directions in one location, etc. Any story, positive or negative experience is very much appreciated if you share.

I am currently working on a design to modernize interactive fiction in a way that it still remains faithful to the classics (think of Zork, Wishbringer, great games from the 2000s like The Best Man, etc). Please boost for more reach. #InteractiveFiction #IF #TextGames #design

Made good progress this weekend on #IconBear , my upcoming open-source icon manager for Linux.

* Install pre-packaged icon sets to quickly start building your library.
* Icons are automatically categorised as "Outline", "Filled", "Duotone" or "Color" when you import them.
* Icons are loaded asynchronously, for improved performance.

Once work on importing, deleting and filtering sets is finished, I'll be looking to release the app 🙌

#GTK #GNOME #UIDesign #Design

Sketch Friday is here! I need to trace some of these. Been doing sketches and leaving the vectors to others, cheating myself of the Inkscape pleasures.

#gnome #sketch #procreate #app #icon #design

It's Friday and I'm no longer the Anti-Christ, yay! Some app icon sketches.

#gnome #design #icon #sketch #procreate

Explore IBM Design’s approach to designing for sustainability -- link to PDF white paper including design checklist for sustainability 🌎…

#IBM #design #UIDesign #sustainability #environment #goGreen

If you missed @diacritica 's talk at @fosdem about Penpot 2.0, don't worry, because here we bring it to you!

#opensource #design #developer

Designing better target sizes… 👈 Excellent resource! #a11y #webdesign #uiDesign #design #accessibility

Falsehoods programmers believe about… Biometrics

(For the new reader, there is a famous essay called Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names. It has since spawned a long list of Falsehoods Programmers Believe About....)

Everyone has fingerprints!

The BBC has a grim tale of a family with a genetic mutation which means they have no fingerprints. It det…

#/etc/ #design #falsehoods #policy #security

The Creative Freedom Summit will cover five main topics:

* Accessibility
* Community
* Crafts & Skills
* Demos
* UX/Design

Whether you want to dive deep into a specific tool or listen to a higher level discussion, we have something for you!

Join us on Jan 23-25:

#CreativeFreedomSummit #ArtWithOpenSource #Art #Accessibility #Design

V Bufferu mam uz dlouho zalozenou ideu o Figma Dev Modu, kteremu se podarilo znicit vsechna hand-off reseni nedavne minulosti. Kdo si jeste pamatuje Zeplin?

Ted mi na >c.d email prisla smutna zprava, ze Figma presouva Dev Mode exkluzivne do placeneho planu. To je nenapadna, ale dost zasadni zprava. V celem nasem neziskovo-dobrovolnickem setupu jsme odkazani na hand-off prave Figmy ve view only modu.

Presun vyvojaru do placeneho modu bude bolet. Ceka nas Zeplin Revival?

#figma #design

Understand UX - UX Dictionary #ux #design

This is very interesting: Web Sustainability Guidelines
#design #accessibility #frontend #inclusion

WRKS neni charita.

Jeden ze zajimavych problemu vyplyvajici z rozhovoru s tvurci obsahu je poziciovani platforem typu Patreon, Kofi... jako "charity". Podporujte umelce pro dobry pocit.

Je to casto zminovany duvod, proc se jim umelci brani. Snazime se proti tomu vymezit a nestavet umelce do role zebraku na ulici.

👇 Navh copy landing page. Vystihli jsme podstatu dobre? Je tomu rozumet? 🙏

#design #wrks

Prepis webu >c.d do Webflow zdarne probiha.

Tedy probiha uprava designu. Designerka upravuje Figmu, tak aby s ni slo pracovat ve Webflow kompatibilnim formatu. Z tehle faze uz jde udelat hruby export primo do Webflow (pluginem) a jenom doladit detaily.

Koncept responsivity ve webflow je top->down. Zacina se na Desktopu (>991), pres Tablet (>767) po mobil (<=767). Silne doporucuju je nemenit. To by mohlo rozbit predatelnost projektu, Webflow koderi jsou na to zvykli.

#webflow #web #design

Everyone waiting for @bagder to reach 100 operating systems but actually the only important aspect is that it’s not a prime number for the list to fit nicely into a rectangle. 😉

99 did a very good job of 9×11 OSes. 100=10×10 will probably do just fine.

But dare you anyone submitting the 101st OS (prime number)! ☝️

#primenumber #slidedesign #design

The Maker's Bill of Rights - discovered in the Design Museum, #london

#AboutToday #Maker #Design

Some very vocal #LibreOffice devs consider that client-side window decorations (for example #GTK HeaderBar kind of things) are "NOT a #UX #design issue", and that it's all about the burden of maintaining that across different OSes/platforms.

Yeah… I might buy their argument if LibreOffice had the guts to actually commit to only one (or two) UI layouts and toolkits, instead of maintaining *seven* UI layout choices, to begin with 🙄️…

I’ve promised enough people this, so I had to do it! 😁

Here’s my write-up of how I added client-side Fediverse-powered comments to my Jekyll blog using the Mastodon API.

Huge props to @jwildeboer for the initial inspiration, as well as @julian and everyone who provided feedback for inspiring the design improvements.…

✨💬 Reply to this thread then check the blog post comments to see it in action!

#Mastodon #Jekyll #WebDevelopment #ActivityPub #design

Going to #livestream some #logo #design for #librecast with #inkscape via #peertube in a couple of minutes.

…am I doing the #hashtag thing right? :P

The 7 Principles of Universal Design… #ud #UniversalDesign #design #UIDesign

"when will the save icon stop being a floppy disk?!"

Probably whenever cartoon bombs stop looking like these grenades from 1688

#design #UX

What is Cognitive Load?… #UIDesign #UXDesign #Design