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Hey #Fosdem! Jason is heading to the #Github Open Social event tonight at Scott’s Bar and Kitchen— and he has a limited quantity of these #Thunderbird stickers and T-shirts to give away!

Want one? Find him between 8pm and 10pm. He’s wearing a Thunderbird hoodie.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to 🍒🌳 Hartmut Goebel

@kirschwipfel Oh come on. There was no silly payment involved, and we're talking about literally 4 or 5 T-shirts.. We've also been roaming around FOSDEM all day and promoting that. We're just trying to connect with our fans at the event.

There's no need to be so hostile.
in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

It's not about the T-shirts, it's about you promoting one if the major surveillance capitalism companies.
in reply to 🍒🌳 Hartmut Goebel

@kirschwipfel Actually, it's about connecting with our fans, at a brief event organized by the service that hosts our source code.

If we truly wanted to promote something, it would be done across all of our social media channels, not just here. There would be blog posts, photos from the event, and so much more.

This discourse isn't productive at all, and if you think about it, YOU are doing more to shine a light on Microsoft than we are 😉
in reply to 🍒🌳 Hartmut Goebel

Why would.. Microsoft… Pay a directly competing software foundation to advertise..?
in reply to Hera [Yaseenist] Harper

Why does .. @thunderbird … promote a directly competing software company? Esp. if this competing software company is one of the major players in surveillance capitalism - which #thunderbird says to fight?
in reply to 🍒🌳 Hartmut Goebel

Showing up at a con doesn’t mean they’re playing pr for the company that owns it
in reply to Hera [Yaseenist] Harper

@alfredohno @kirschwipfel Especially when it's just an isolated event taking place outside of the actual con (which is Fosdem).

Come on folks, we got invited to a social event. We invited our fans to come say hi and get some swag. That's where it ends.