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Is your inbox stealing your time and focus like your dryer steals socks? Treating your email like you'd ideally treat your laundry (no floor wardrobes here) can help put you in control of your inbox, instead of the other way around. Read our tips and tricks for putting this method to work in Thunderbird - and as always, we'd love to read about your productivity hacks and practices!

#Thunderbird #Email #Productivityā€¦

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in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

ooooh... when you finaly release it!? When I'll see Thunderbird icon on my smartphones screen? šŸ˜–
in reply to Andreyka

@andreyka For Android, the current plan/hope is fall of this year! iOS is going to take a bit longer, since we have to write an app from scratch!
in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

The first thing I (have to) do is disable Threaded view in a newly added mailbox and the propagate that view to each folder under that mailbox. To then repeat that for new folders.

I noticed that general Spam settings (I think new), override the spam settings individually set with each mail account. I think new as it annoyed me utterly when marking mail as spam didn't move it to the spam folder. Took me a while to find that general setting, where I had even checked the settings >2

in reply to Angela Scholder

2) with the mail (IMAP) provider if it was a setting there.

But, with Thunderbird newly installed from scratch, with all the mail accounts, it now works again.

PS. Manually sort accounts was announced to be implemented, any idea when?

in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

My approach hasn't changed much since the mid 90s. I have server-side rules to deliver mailing list messages to various folders. Whatever is delivered to the inbox should be intended for me personally. If it requires a response, and I can't reply immediately, I leave it in the inbox as read. When I've finished with it, I archive the message (whether a response was needed or not).
in reply to Jason J.G. White

@jason As one of our favorite childhood movies from the 90s said, if it's not broke (or Baroque), don't fix it! We're glad you've got a system that works for you.