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I've already heard one heartbreaking #accessibility story here at #DisabilityIn and I'm just wondering how many more I will hear before the week is out? It's already 2024 and disabled people are still losing out on job opportunities due solely to inaccessible software.
in reply to Darrell Hilliker πŸ‘¨β€πŸ¦―β™ΎοΈπŸ“‘

Is there any way those of us not at the conference can learn more about this story? I always want to dig into why the software ended up being inaccessible. Was it a web, desktop, or mobile app? If not web, single-platform or multi-platform? I want to dig into how we can make accessibility the default, without requiring everyone to explicitly care about it.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt yes. We can talk about it and I can tell you what I know. Let's touch base next week after the conference. Of course, I agree with you completely. All languages and development environments should be built for accessibility by default rather than making developers and designers, do hard work. :-)