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Items tagged with: DisabilityIn

You may know Allyant (which I pronounce “alley ant”) is the combined form of CommonLook, TBase, and Accessible360.

You may also now Allyable (which I pronounce “snake oil”) is an #overlay vendor.

Apparently Allyable (overlay) was spamming folks on the #DisabilityIN conference app. This resulted in folks regularly visiting the Allyant (combined company) booth thinking it was Allyable (overlay).

#accessibilty #a11y
There are lessons here.

An #Uber driver refused to transport me from the Cosmopolitan Hotel to the airport on my way home from the #DisabilityIn conference because I am blind! I have already reported the discrimination with Uber. I am also reporting the incident to the Las Vegas Police Department and I will also be contacting the NV Attorney General's Office. Does anyone have any other ideas on how I can call additional attention to this incidet so we reduce the likelihood of it's being repeated? #accessibility #blind

#DisabilityIN The Evinced CEO referred to the W3C ARIA Authoring Practices Working Group as one of the three pillars of creating accessible content. Using it can guarantee “100% accessibility”.

#accessibility #a11y

#DisabilityIN Very quick demonstration of Microsoft Accessibility Insights run against the Disability:IN home page only. Found no issues! Applause from audience. I *think* the “Needs review” tab listed two issues.

#accessibility #a11y

#DisabilityIN Luncheon Plenary: “Nothing About Us Without Us: Accessibility Innovation, Leadership, and Impact”

Microsoft’s CAO discussed one challenge of #accessibility is non-practitioners creating accessible content. She talked about advances in tooling to solve that, using this slide.


I've already heard one heartbreaking #accessibility story here at #DisabilityIn and I'm just wondering how many more I will hear before the week is out? It's already 2024 and disabled people are still losing out on job opportunities due solely to inaccessible software.

I'll be attending the #DisabilityIn Conference next week in Vegas. Is anyone else out here going? Want to meet up? Anyone who is bringing a #BTSpeak? #accessibility