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Did you know? #MapComplete has a thematic map with vending machines. Is there one missing? Add it with a few clicks:…
This entry was edited (5 days ago)
in reply to MapComplete

Wow, I didn't think it would find anything for my hometown, but it actually showed me 6 cigarette and 1 normal vending machine. Where do you get the data from? Might be interesting to tinker with :ablobcatrainbow:
in reply to Fabian Stadler

@fabianstadler Everything is #OpenStreetMap data, so someone added it. You can see the history of an object if you log in and press the green OSM-logo.

And if you know of missing vending machines, you can add them yourself too - that is why the button 'add new feature' is there ;)

in reply to MapComplete

Amazing, it's hard to believe someone went through the process of adding cigarette machines :blobcateyes: . I'll check if I find some missing things :ablobcatbongo:
in reply to Fabian Stadler

@fabianstadler Well, it is hard to believe what types of very specific things people have added to the map, but it all matters.

And make sure to checkout the other thematic maps as well - there will definitively be something there that interests you

in reply to Fabian Stadler

@fabianstadler There are so many weird and great things on OpenStreetMap. Check the "Surveillance under surveillance" map theme on MapComplete. And I myself added each and every tree in my city center.
This entry was edited (5 days ago)
in reply to Peter

@pbb @fabianstadler and for those who want to check.

Keep in mind that many items are not on the map (yet), but you can help with it