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"# 5 Might Drop X.11 Support, Says # Dev" Oh no, our beloved @ebassi got the #-like illness!!! 😜
I wasn't even aware of an eventual X12...
He knows what he says. My only hope is we can keep the # transparency that we all loved in # (even if according to X11 is not really transparent anymore)
in reply to Paolo Redaelli

X11 is only network transparent if you are using a Motif app from 1995. Otherwise you're just sending pixels over the wire in the most inefficient way possible. GNOME supports RDP with Wayland, these days.
in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

Also, I literally didn't open that issue, I just left a comment there. The Register is absolute garbage.
in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

# over # is very welcome. Are you referring to a development of ?