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Updated my sortable tables post.

It now notes that NVDA, JAWS, Narrator, and VoiceOver / iPadOS will announce when you sort a table column.

That means VoiceOver on macOS and TalkBack do _not_ announce a sort.

Dramatically better than when I wrote it in 2021 yet still utterly inadequate.…

#a11y #accessibility

Tamas G reshared this.

in reply to Adrian Roselli

I happen to catch this while browsing on the Mac OS 15 beta, and it looks like Apple has addressed this at least partially. VoiceOver won’t say anything when you press the button so you still need the live region for that, but if you move off and back onto the button it will say something like “Author, button, sort down/up.” Mac OS 15.1 in Safari.
in reply to Pitermach

@pitermach I hope it’s coming. It’s so frustrating to have to keep a live region for it on desktop. Even more frustrating to be inconsistent with its own mobile platform.