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Here's a video I want to age like curdled milk. Age so quickly it's out-of-date a week after it's made. The issues I've outlined here should be fairly simple fixes if they follow Apple's accessibility guidelines, so here's hoping someone at Floatplane Media can get some eyes on this.
I've tried to be as fair as possible, not just to make a 'bitch and ditch' style video, and to showcase the issues I have.
Please boost if you have an interest, or know that it can potentially reach someone who can make a difference.
Not my cup of tea to ask for those under normal circumstances, so I will not be making a habit of it.

#Accessibility Issues With #Floatplane (from a #VoiceOver Perspective)

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in reply to Andre Louis

So, that play and close button, they’re actually completely unlabeled which makes it even worse. The only reason you hear “play” and “Close” there is because VoiceOver is doing its image recognition magic and guessing by how the graphic looks like (you can tell by the ding sound that goes with the announcement). If someone has this turned off, or the feature just broke randomly (which I’ve seen it do sometimes requiring a redownload of the models or a phone restart), you’d just get a click on those and nothing else.
in reply to Pitermach

@pitermach Wow, didn't know that actually. I just always have the image thing on because it's useful. If we can raise awareness and bring their attention to it, hopefully it can help. Like I said, I'm not here to shit all over it. I *want* to use it, but the refund email doesn't help.
in reply to Andre Louis

Oh yeah, that feature saved me so many times it’s not even funny. That’s why I pointed it out, if you can get in contact with a higher level tech support, or if you see this anywhere else in the future you want to tell them those buttons are just straight up unlabeled and need fixing. And yeah, you were. I find screen recordings do often help with situations like this.
in reply to Pitermach

@pitermach I of course had the screen going, not just VO. I did the whole thing in OBS with quicktime in the background.
in reply to Pitermach

@pitermach Please do let me know if you think I was fair and constructive though.
in reply to Andre Louis

@pitermach my only complaint with the video I suppose is you were, in my opinion of course, maybe a little too nice at the beginning. You said multiple times that you're just trying to give constructive critique. I'd have probably just said hey floatplane, I'm a paying customer and as a blind person I have a few issues with your app. If you could fix them, that'd be really great.
Instead they just kinda... gave you a refund? I understand that this is probably some support misunderstanding but like... to an accessibility issue? That feels super tone deaf. lol. Come on LMG. You can do better than this! We know you can! You know we exist, you made a video including accessible Linux! Big sad puppy eyes
in reply to Talon

@talon @pitermach I know but people have been canceled for less haha, I really want them to take me seriously. Once they do... Then we pull out the big ones. lol
in reply to Andre Louis

@pitermach nah I get it I also usually take the side of overpoliteness, which is why I noticed it immediately. lol
in reply to Talon

@pitermach well... except on mastodon. I do let loose here sometimes. lol.
in reply to Talon

@talon @pitermach Here feels different. Feels like you can cut loose in a different way somehow.
in reply to Andre Louis

@pitermach yup. Probably because it's not directly targeted. I'm just airing my frustrations in the moment. I hate the situation I'm in because of a thing. I don't hate the people behind it or sometimes not even the thing that caused it. I just hate that I am where I am now because of whatever it is I'm complaining about.
in reply to Talon

@talon @pitermach That's probably the best summation of a thing I've seen in a long while haha
in reply to Andre Louis

@talon @pitermach Nothing wrong with being overly polite as far as I’m concerned, unless the company in question has clearly demonstrated that they don’t have a care in the world for accessibility. That person who offered a refund might just have been an underpaid support rep trained to resolve most situations of customers expressing some sort of negative experience with the app in this very manner.
in reply to Robin Kipp

@robin_kipp @pitermach Oh yes. It's absolutely nitpicking and I would most likely have done the exact same thing which is why I immediately noticed it.
in reply to Talon

@talon @robin_kipp @pitermach Had I been 15 years younger, that video would have been terrible. I was so much more angry back then.