I just had a really weird thought. What if NVDA had a generic settings ring? You know, like the synth settings ring, but for other random stuff? Kinda like the rotor on iOS or similar. You can choose what settings go in there and then you use one set of finger twisting set of combinations of keys to modify a whole group of settings rather than assigning a bunch of individual settings to multiple different singular finger twistingly complicated hotkeys.
in reply to Mew✨🥰

sorry, I don't see how having an extra mode makes any difference to the way it was designed.
I guess using something other than the JAWS cursor was pretty important in the early days; object navigation was needed in a lot of places and it's logical to code a way of accessing that simply. But the more features we add the more keys we need. Just seems a shame there's no cycle through review modes option.

Doubtless it's 30 minutes work to put in. I don't have a whole NVDA development stack setup here or I'd have a poke at it. Perhaps I'd find it's a great spaghetti monster and that's why no-one's touched it!