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Items tagged with: NVDASR

Is there an #NVDASR setting that would cause multi-byte emoji to not read? This emoji reads as cat wrong to me instead of black cat.


On 2024.2 RC, also tried different synthes.

NV Access are very pleased to announce the release of NVDA 2024.2! Please download from:

Highlights include Sound Split, numerous new keystrokes, new Braille mode & other features, updates to eSpeak, LibLouis & other dependencies & programs.

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #A11y #Accessibility #New #Release #FOSS #Update #NewVersion

In-Process is out! This week featuring the NVDA 2024.2 Release Candidate, user Arthur’s Experience in Brazil, the new Synth Settings Ring commands, and a long piece on assigning new Input gestures / keystrokes. Check it out at:…

#Blog #NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #News #Newsletter #Accessibility

We are very pleased to share that the NVDA 2024.2 Release Candidate is now available:… This includes lots of new features since 2024.1, including Sound Split, new Synth Settings & other quick nav commands, a new "Display Speech Output" Braille mode and many more updates and fixes. Do test it out and let us know how you find it! Otherwise, the final version will be out in the next few weeks.

#NVDA #NVDAsr #NewVersion #FOSS #Update #Release #PreRelease #ScreenReader

Have you tried out the 2024.2 Betas? Remember you can test them out without installing them by choosing "Continue" instead of "Install". Last week in In-Process we highlighted several features worth checking out: Sound Split, and Display Speech Output (in Braille):… What do you think of them? #NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Beta #FOSS #Testing #NewFeature

In-Process is out, with all the details on NVDA 2024.2 Beta 3, Mick and Gerald's interview on Eyes On Success, a big walkthrough of the new "Sound Split" feature (if you've ever wanted to have NVDA in one ear and your apps or VOIP in the other, you won't want to miss this!), and the New braille setting: “Display speech output”.

Check it all out here:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Blog #News #Newsletter #Braille #ScreenReader #Accessibility #EyesOnSuccess

NVDA 2024.2 Beta 3 is now available. As well as all the amazing things already announced, changes in Beta 3:
- Disable style navigation in Microsoft Word
- Add section on Add-on Store to Quick Start Guide
- Fixes for using Poedit with all plural forms
- Minor fixes for sound split
- Minor documentation fixes
- Updates to translations

Read the full what's new and download from:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #News #FOSS #Update #Accessibility #A11y #Beta

Access for All: Two friends helping change opportunities for blind people with an open-source screen reader for all. Now on Microsoft Unlocked:

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #ScreenReader #A11y #Microsoft #FOSS #OpenSource #Free #News

Does anyone here have experience using Microsoft Access with any #ScreenReader? I'd love to know whether it just isn't accessible or I just haven't figured out what I'm doing yet. There's nothing in the help topics, the Freedom Scientific Youtube channel, or their training webinar page about it. Please boost. #Jaws #JFW #NVDASr #accessibility

NVDA 2024.2 Beta 2 is now available!

NVDA 2024.2 includes Sound split, new Synth settings commands & quick nav commands, many Braille features & fixes & more!

Changes since Beta 1
- Disable style navigation in Outlook and non-UIA word
- Disable vertical, style and text
-QuickNav commands in Kindle
- Minor documentation fixes
- Updates to translations

Read the full what's new and download the new NVDA 2024.2 Beta 2 from:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Beta #FOSS #A11y

I'm trying yet again to get my Associate of science degree in Computer Information Technology, with dual concentrations in Cyber Defense and networking. My next course is "database concepts." Based on the title of the textbook, it appears that we'll be using Microsoft Access. Has anyone used this with #Jaws or #NVDASR? How accessible is it? I don't want to take an accellerated summer course if I'm going to have to deal with accessibility issues. Please boost for reach.

Our #GAAD edition In-Process #blog is out, featuring all the news on #NVDA 2024.2beta 1, the amazing mini-documentary @github made our new issue template and more!

Get on top of all the #GAAD #news here:…

#NVDAsr #Accessibility #Newsletter #GitHub #FOSS #ScreenReader

This Global Accessibility Awareness Day, we have something special to share! @github made a movie about our founders Mick & Jamie & the story of not only NVDA, but also OSARA. Two life-changing open-source projects. Both actively providing access & employment to blind people around the world.

Read the article here:…

Watch the video (with AD) on YouTube:…

#GAAD #NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #Employment #Empowering #ScreenReader #FOSS #OpenSource

GitHub produced a great mini documentary about my work with @michaeldcurran, @Scott and others to create both #NVDASR and #OSARA.
With audio description:…
Without audio description:…
#accessibility #a11y

Hi @NVAccess in one of the in-process blog posts you mentioned letting you know our favorite new thing in NVDA 2024.1, and for me it has to be the new UIA event processing. I can feel a major performance improvement across the board, even when using File Explorer (as the file list uses UIA). This is the reason I updated, this is what I was looking forward to. Thanks for implementing this! #screenreader #NVDA #NVDAsr

NVDA 2024.2 beta 1 is now available for testing from:…

For anyone who is interested in trying out what NVDA has to offer before release, we welcome your feedback.

- Sound Split
- New Synth Settings ring & quick navigation commands
- New braille features & fixes, including "Display speech output".
- Updated eSpeak, adding new language Tigrinya.

There are many minor bug fixes for applications

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Beta #News #Accessibility #A11y #FOSS

On #NVDASR, is there a way to remove a profile customisation from a setting? I don't just want to set it to the same as the default, but to make sure if it switches on default it will switch on that profile too.

Very strange #NVDASR bug. I was on Firefox, reading a website I know that has a table, but when I tried navigating through the table with the commands, NVDA would say edge of table as if it were empty. So I checked the page source, and it was a normal table, properly constructed. I blamed it on css or js doing something iffy.

Trying to work out what NVDA was getting from the browser I pressed NVDA+f1 and got an NVDA crash. Restarted NVDA. Now the table is correctly recognised.

Not sure whether to file this because I have no steps to reproduce other than use NVDA for a long time and hope a table isn't properly read.

I used to have an option in the tools menu of #NVDASR to open the folder where NVDA's configuration is stored. That option is no longer listed. Is there some way I can get that back?

This week's In-Process is out, featuring all you need to know about copying text in Word, using Browse mode in Word, getting help in NVDA, and a special thanks to our friends at ISCB! All online now:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Accessibility #Microsoft #MicrosoftOffice #Office365 #Office #Keyboard

"diagram." That's all #NVDASR sees. "The image displays a stylized, neon blue ring. It appears as a partial circle with an interruption, or gap, at the bottom right, creating an open loop. The ring is thick and evenly illuminated, giving it a glowing effect against a solid black background. There is no text present in the image. " Where is this, you ask? Oh, it's just a progress bar inside Google Collab after hitting "download" once right-clicking a file in the file manager and the blob is made.

So I understand that NVDA's handle keys from other applications option changes how keyboard keys can be processed, such as handling input from on-screen keyboards and speech recognition, but I'm unclear as to exactly what's happening behind the scenes and the user guide only provides a very brief explanation of why a user may want to disable it. I was just wondering if I could have some clarification on what's happening behind the scenes when this option is used by chance? Thank you very much for your time and I look forward to any input you may have. Thanks. #NVDASR @NVAccess @jcsteh

This week's In-Process is out! Featuring the latest on NVDA 2024.1, add-on updates, the Microsoft FOSS Fund, Philanthropy Australia awards, an Interview with our GTO Gerald, and more! All available now at:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #News #Newsletter #Blog #Awards #Interview #FOSS #Community

Very impressed with the new Split #Braille Feature in #JAWS. Being able to read Teams chat with half my display whilst typing someplace else is tremendous. They seem to have well thought out the different modes and views. Shame about the cells wasted with the split and lack of customisability of the viewport widths. If I won the lottery I'd throw a few hundred k at #NVDASR for comparable #BrailleDisplay development

Can anyone recommend a good accessible #Journaling app that works on Windows and iOS? #NVDASR #VoiceOver #Accessibility #Screenreader

I thought I saw a post about the #Unspoken #Addon for #NVDASR being updated earlier. Audio themes is still about too isn't it? There's also one called navigation sounds.
What is everyone using?

To what degree does NVDA actually have support for TUIs? When I look at TUIs (terminal user interfaces) for tools like Joplin, Vim, practically anything that requires using arrow keys/tab within a terminal, it almost always is a horrible experience. Are there things TUI developers can do to better accommodate NVDA? @NVAccess @tspivey
Do terminal-first tools like TDSR in a WSL2 shell improve this at all? #nvdasr #screenreaders #accessibility

In-Process is out, featuring all the news on the release of NVDA 2024.1, plus highlights from our trip to CSUN. Do check it out now at:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Blog #News #FOSS

I just updated my screen reader, #NVDA, to version 2024.1.

A few notes of interest:

All add-ons I consider essential work. Remote isn't updated yet but TeleNVDA is.
Unspoken, which I maintain, hasn't been updated but can be force enabled and works. Some time this week I'll issue a new release.
Of the non-essential add-ons that I'd like to have but haven't tried forcing, I'd highlight Instant Translate and Calibre.

I've also made a donation. I encourage others to contribute to NVDA, with code, translations, time or money, if their situation permits. NVDA doesn't update itself. It's not only my favourite screen reader, but it's essential to keep our needs in focus, maintain our independence, and avoid monopoly.

Thanks to NV Access for another release.

#NVDASR #a11y #accessibility

NV Access is very pleased to share the release of the NVDA 2024.1 Release Candidate. Unless any major issues are identified, this will be identical to the final release. We encourage all users to test the Release Candidate. Many updates including on-demand speech mode, native selection in Firefox, bulk actions in the add-on store and much more! Read the full details and download at:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #A11y #ScreenReader #News #NewVersion #Release

It's a busy time at NV Access HQ, and Abroad! This week's In-Process has all the news about CSUN, NVDA 2023.3.4, NVDA 2024.1, and a run through of the new Native Selection Mode in Firefox. Read more here:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #News #CSUNatc24 #CSUN #CSUN24 #News #Newsletter #Blog #Release

NV Access are pleased to share the release of NVDA 2024.1 Beta 13.

Changes introduced in Beta 13:
- Bug fix for interacting with some NVDA controls such as the synth selection dialog and selectable checklist items
- Updates to translations

Read the full information and download at:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Release #Software #FOSS #Beta

Okay, this now exists in the world: a #NVDASR addon to translate text using #DeepL, based on the older NVDA translate addon that used google. It's much faster, though you will require a free API key. Note that while this works, I don't intend to submit to the NVDA Addon store; I doubt I've followed any of the requirements to do that. Instructions and the release live on github:

Beta12 of NVDA 2024.1 is now available for download & testing.

We know there have been a lot of betas, but THIS is the final planned beta for 2024.1. We'd like to thank everyone who has been testing these and reporting issues to us.

Full info & download from:…

Changes introduced in Beta 12:
- Bug fix for emojis and unicode symbols in NVDA dialogs
- No longer report "native copy"
- Updated our GUI framework wxPython.
- Updates to translations

#News #NVDA #NVDAsr

NV Access is very pleased to announce the release of our updated Microsoft Word with NVDA training module. Available now from… Extensively rewritten, the module incorporates the latest NVDA and Office 365 features and keystrokes. At only $32 Australian (Roughly $20 USD / 19€ - converted at checkout), it's very affordable. #Training #NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #ScreenReader #Learning #Word #Microsoft #Office

In-Process is out - live from Melbourne! Featuring news on NVDA 2024.1 Beta 10, the WebAIM screen reader user survey results, GitHub's accessibility survey and the results of our own Mastodon survey! Read it now at:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #News #Newsletter #Blog

Thanks for your patience with the beta glitch last week. We're pleased to advise we've got rid of those nasty bugs. NVDA 2024.1 Beta 10 is now available, and we promise the bugs in this version are much friendlier! Please do head to… for all the details & to download.

Changes since Beta 7:
- Fix for emojis in terminals
- Native Selection bug fix in Word
- Installer fixes
- Updates to docs & translations

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Update #Beta #NewVersion #Download

NVDA 2024.1 Beta 8 is now available, with quite a few updates from Beta 7:

- A bug fix where emojis in Windows Terminals could cause a crash
- A bug fix for Native Selection mode in Word
- Bug fixes to the installer process and ensuring NVDA exits safely
- Improvements to documentation
- Updates to translations

To find out more about everything new in NVDA 2024.1 overall, and to download the latest beta, please visit:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Beta #News #NewVersion

We've had great feedback on our recent In-Process article on creating portable copies of NVDA. A lot of people use them for testing out beta's of new versions, particularly 2024.1. Have you been trying the 2024.1 betas, and do you use a portable version to do it? If you'd like to find out more, check out our article here:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Testing #Beta #NewVersion #PreRelease #Accessibility

In-Process is out, featuring all the news about NVDA 2023.3.3 and NVDA 2024.1 Beta 7, plus an in-depth look at everything you need to know about portable copies of NVDA. Check it out at:… and be sure to update your copy of NVDA to the latest stable or beta version if you haven't already.

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #News #Blog #Newsletter #Accessibility #A11y