One point I’m always at pains to make to my web design students is that accessibility isn’t an add-on to your design. You have to be as inclusive as possible from the outset.

Anyway, I thought this was a great article on designing for people with colour blindness:…

#accessibility #webdesign

in reply to Caspar Fairhall

@jcsteh Is there a tutorial or training on using these tools? I don't need to very often, and mostly only end up in it after accidentally hitting F12, but visually I find it a massive wall of text with no idea what I'm looking at. I would like to have a better understanding of it though (As I say, I don't need to look at web code very often. I learnt to write websites in HTML with a text editor, and only more recently started finding my way around WordPress - but it would be useful for work now and then).
in reply to Quentin

@Quentin When you open the Developer Tools for the first time, you're probably seeing the JS console. There are different panels you can access, including the Accessibility panel. Here's some documentation for the Accesibility panel. Happy to answer questions if you have any. firefox-source-docs.mozilla.or… @caspar
in reply to Quentin

@Quentin @jcsteh My point of entry is usually from a specific point on a website, where something isn’t accessible, via the context menu, where I can explore the accessibility properties of the element I right-clicked on. From there, it is a snap to also go to the HTML tree of said element, and vice versa. I wrote a blog post about this inspector when it initially came out, but some of its information might be out of date by now.…

Later, I also showcased how to audit for accessibility using the Firefox developer tools:…

But again, these are a few years old, so are probably no longer up to date with the latest UI.

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