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I really like the idea of, instead of collaborating on a document via (for example) Google's servers and Google Docs, being able to have collaborators' computers talk to each other directly and share edits that way.

I really hope that "local-first" gains at least the sort of steam the FOSS movement has — as I've seen people comment, FOSS doesn't help if your computation is happening on someone else's computer.…

#LocalFirst #Cloud #CloudComputing #FOSS #Libre

in reply to Reilly Spitzfaden (they/them)

Local first has some really gnarly problems that you pretty much need centralized servers to fix, one way or another. Direct connectivity between people isn't possible any more. THe fact that most people are on devices that heavily restrict background app activity to make the batteries actually last, the IPV4 shortage, lack of IPV6 adoption and CG NATS don't help either.