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When a Free Software project (Profanity) is run by a jackass.

Just did a simple PR that changed a Ellipsis Char that does not display well on Arch Linux TTY (because it is a newer char), to 3 dots. A simple change.

It was not approved (after much time), although, in all the rest of the source code, 3 dots are used (3 dots is used 26 times in the source code). There is only one instance of the Ellipsis char, and it was this that the PR was changing to 3 dots.

#profanity #pr #freesoftware #archlinux #arch #jackass #xmpp #gnu
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Daniel Santos

The ellipsis is displayed fine on my TTYs (vanilla debian stable).
in reply to Nicoco

Thanks for your input.
Seems to only affect my computer. How weird...
in reply to Daniel Santos

The default one. I don't even know how to change the font of the TTYs, if we're talking about the ctrl+alt+f1 ones. In X, I use Konsole with Jetbrains Mono.
in reply to Nicoco

Btw, you change the TTY font with setfont (for example, setfont lat1-16).