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Thunderbird starts and decides (without asking me) to open a web page in my default browser to beg about donation.

Thunderbird being hypocritical again:
- they're saying donations are what keep them alive yet they just bought out K-9
- they're saying they're "privacy-respecting", yet they open a tracking web page at every start of Thunderbird

The funniest: the links, even in the donate page, contains trackers.

Seriously @thunderbird stop acting like the good guys.

#thunderbird #k9 #mozilla
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to TheFrenchGhosty

Some facts in response:

1) Yes, donations allowed us to hire the lead developer of K-9 Mail full time (in addition to other developers and engineers). There was no financial transaction or buyout involved.

2) What you call a "tracker" is simply an extended UTM link. This shows us how many people came to the donation page via a certain platform, like Mastodon or the blog. There is zero identifying personal information being tracked.
Unknown parent

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox
You are welcome to ask @cketti yourself, then.