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#1 way you know your org is using @matrix for communication: the ratio of content-bearing messages to "could you please discard your session?" messages is significantly < 1:0. #matrix #messaging #chat
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Ethan Blanton

matrix-rust-sdk-crypto based clients (eg new logins on Element Web) should be *much* better than the old js/ios/android-sdk based clients. Please submit bug reports with logs from sender and receiver as we are *very* actively chasing these atm.
in reply to The Foundation

I believe that most of the users at my org are using Element Desktop, with a smaller portion using Element Web or Fluffy Chat. The most frequent "offenders", non-scientifically-speaking, seem to me to be Element Desktop and Element iOS (not sure which side of that equation is the problem) users. Not all users annotate their clients, so I can't say for sure.

Please tell me the new client is also less giant and slow and doesn't bundle an entire browser.