We'd like to hear your feedback!
Brave people asked us to include Brave as a Google Chrome alternative. In the original post, Brave was not included because it is based on Chromium.
What are your thoughts: Should we, or should we not include Brave in this image of Google alternatives? Why?
It's #CyberSecurityMonth! Time to #deGoogle 💪💪💪What are your favorite privacy-first apps?
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Start DeGoogling today and stop Big G from exploiting your data! In this in-depth guide learn how to quit Google apps for good, and start using Tuta’s privacy expert’s recommended apps instead.
Silmathoron ⁂
in reply to Tuta • • •Joshua Lee
in reply to Tuta • • •Jana
in reply to Tuta • • •Not only are they Chromium based and thus IMO shouldn't be included if vanilla Chromium is in the list, but they also have their weird crypto stuff and the CEO has A LOT of problematic views.
So that's a solid NO.
in reply to Tuta • • •Stop using Brave Browser - by Corbin Davenport
Corbin Davenport (The Spacebar)Aral Balkan
in reply to Tuta • • •It’s run by a homophobe. You decide.
Opposing gay marriage cost Brendan Eich his job at Mozilla
Hannah Kuchler (Financial Times)solstice
in reply to Tuta • • •I'm not really fond of including it due to the founders homophobic past.
The argument of not including it because it's Chromium falls short in my opinion as DuckDuckGo and Privacy Browser are included, which on Android use System WebView (likely Chrome WebView). WebView is a lot less secure then a Chromium based browser.
I believe Firefox based browsers are also less secure on Android due to not having Per-Site Process Isolation.
Aral Balkan
in reply to Tuta • • •Basic Attention Token
Basic Attention TokenTuta
in reply to Aral Balkan • • •Erklärbär
in reply to Tuta • • •I also miss #mullvadbrowser and #firefox_focus. #invidious in the meantime is unfortunately almost useless. I miss #standardnotes #Threema, #magicearth, #KeepassDX, #strongbox.
in reply to Erklärbär • • •Baffling7384
in reply to Tuta • • •Thibaultmol 🌈
in reply to Tuta • • •- Add @organicmaps to the gmaps alternatives. it's by far the easiest osm based maps app
- Add @ente auth for google auth alternatives. it's much more feature rich and it's foss
- add @kagihq to the search engines. They're privacy respecting * one small note is that they do utilize google as one of it's search indexes that it uses, so you'd still be giving google some money technically (had to mention it)
in reply to Thibaultmol 🌈 • • •Thibaultmol 🌈
in reply to Tuta • • •Baffling7384
in reply to Tuta • • •Why are you recommending Authy, a very shitty service, but not Organic Maps and Obtainium for .apk updates?
For browsers there is Mulch and Mull from DivestOS, which are forks of Chromium and Firefox respectively or Brave. Either of which would be much better than Fennec, Privacy Browser, or Firefox from a privacy or security perspective.
in reply to Tuta • • •Falta protonmail obviously grr
in reply to Tuta • • •Guillaume Ross
in reply to Tuta • • •Stew
in reply to Tuta • • •If its google alternatives, you shouldn't include Brave or Chromium. Hopefully we can add Ladybird to that list in a few years. 🤞
Maybe add Freetube as an alternative Youtube client ?
in reply to Stew • • •Don't Let Me Fall
in reply to Tuta • • •Because most web developers don't seem to build websites with Firefox users in mind, there are a good number of websites that function poorly in Firefox.
So, for the users seeking an alternative that don't want to use Firefox, I'd say include an open source Chromium-based browser. There are none that are convenient, except Brave and Chromium itself. But Chromium would be defeating the purpose.
Unfortunately, the majority of people care more about convenience than anything else.
Don't Let Me Fall
in reply to Tuta • • •As far as the rest of this list is concerned. It's needed an update for a while now.
Play Store:
Aurora Store + Obtainium
NextCloud + LibreOffice
NextCloud + pCloud + Filen Sync + Icedrive + Proton
Instant Messenger:
Matrix - FluffyChat, Element, Element X
Organic Maps
KeepassDX + OneKeePass
KeePass clients can be used as authenticators.
FreeTube + Odysee (toxic though)
AND remove Vimeo
Web search:
Brave search + Startpage
in reply to Tuta • • •Tuta
in reply to Wham • • •Adam Wysokiński
in reply to Tuta • • •Tuta
in reply to Adam Wysokiński • • •GrapheneOS
in reply to Tuta • • •Chiwy
in reply to Tuta • • •Tuta
in reply to Chiwy • • •Mad Scientist
in reply to Tuta • • •- Add ente auth from @ente instead of Authy.
- Add proton pass from @protonprivacy to the password manager section.
- Add mullvad browser from @mullvadnet to the browser section.
- Also add @brave too since even if it is based on chromium it is still better than using chrome.
- Add divestos.org/ to the alternative os section.
Home - DivestOS Mobile
divestos.orghoek 💎
in reply to Tuta • • •Dmitry Bartoshevich
in reply to Tuta • • •grapheneos.org/usage#web-brows…
GrapheneOS usage guide
GrapheneOSArturo Serrano 🇨🇴🤖👽🧙🦄
in reply to Tuta • • •By the way, Vivaldi should totally be suggested.
in reply to Tuta • • •khurozov
in reply to Tuta • • •Paper Great Great Grandson
in reply to Tuta • • •Gary W
in reply to Tuta • • •taivlam
in reply to Tuta • • •Chromium shows that the browser itself is alright, it's the figurative "last 5%", where Google adds proprietary features to create Chrome, that taints the well.
Also, for people who are trying to promote cancel culture towards Brave, there are also great people at Brave, such as @bcrypt.
in reply to Tuta • • •Here are some other recommendations:
Dragos Pirvu
in reply to Tuta • • •Azarilhⓥ
in reply to Tuta • • •Their ad system makes a lot of money to Brave, but it does not to the users nor to the websites. I'd say it's scummy. Apparently the broswer also automatically added affiliate link to purchases. Affiliate links enable tracking.
in reply to Tuta • • •Google is gonna hate you for advertising NewPipe. 😹
Also, why did you not list Qwant as a search engine?
Rəşad Qasımlı
in reply to Tuta • • •Mick Mavromatis
in reply to Tuta • • •Mick Mavromatis
in reply to Tuta • • •Tuta
in reply to Mick Mavromatis • • •Mick Mavromatis
in reply to Tuta • • •