Items tagged with: librewolf


Items tagged with: librewolf

Does anyone know if #LibreWolf or any other privacy focused #firefox forks keep #screenreader and other #accessibility features? Sadly, most of these projects seem to consider accessibility an unneeded feature that ads bloat and security issues and just strip it out completely, so I don't have high hopes. This just seems to be the latest one getting popular after the recent #firefox issues. #a11y

I've switched to lurking here for a while due to the effects the current political situation in the US is having on me. I am making some big changes to how I do things, including how I livestream and host various products of my math research. I'll be posting about the steps I take as I take them.

I have switched from #Firefox to #Librewolf on my desktops. This was pretty easy since I have been storing my bookmarks as a plain text file on my desktop for a while now. Very portable. I just wish #VideoDownloadHelper worked on Librewolf.

I am looking into #XMPP now and trying to find a server to sign up for. Does anyone know any with open registration?

I have also recently gotten into #IRC again, and am excited to get more familiar with the #Pidgin client on desktop.

#math #privacy #security #federation #software

Repeat after me: if #Firefox stops being maintained, #LibreWolf is not a viable long-term alternative (nor is any other Firefox-based web browser).

Gestern habe ich erfahren, dass #Mozilla in "privatsphäre-respektierende" Werbung investiert. Ich bin da etwas skeptisch; #Privatsphäre und #Werbung stehen sich irgendwo diametral gegenüber. Darum habe ich mich mal nach Alternativen umgelesen. Dabei bin ich auf #librewolf gestossen, ein Fork von #Firefox, mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Privatsphäre und Sicherheit. #UBlock und weitere Features sind standardmässig mit an Bord. Werde ich wohl die Tage mal antesten...

I looked at Librewolf and it seemed like it'd be perfect. Was still able to send tabs around from machine to machine and sync bookmarks and stuff, which is the thing I suspected wouldn't work. All worked okay, was just firefox without the bullshit they do these days.

Until it just threw javascript errors on my TTRSS install and I couldn't read my newsreader.

Only on my desktop machine mind, it was fine on the laptop.

Maybe I should try harder. Perhaps it was just a fleeting thing that would be fixed next version.

#librewolf #firefox #advertising #bullshit

I've switched to #librewolf couple of months ago. And I'm pretty happy. Feels pretty similar to #firefox with all the annoying bits simply gone. :)

Right, so there is such a thing as going too far… this should at least be a configurable option so that folks who want web sites to adapt to their system light/dark mode settings can have that.

There’s a line between protecting people and being paternalistic. And I can’t believe I’m the one having to say this but privacy isn’t the only concern when designing (e.g., in this case you might be overriding someone’s accessibility preferences).

#privacy #LibreWolf #design

hmmm is there an android version of #LibreWolf somewhere or an alternative ?